Leach Supporter Accused Of Domestic Violence


Earlier this year, liberal activist Rep. Alan Grayson held a fundraiser for PA-13 candidate, Daylin Leach; now, he is accused of battering his wife.

The incident comes after Lolita Grayson filed a divorce petition, a Sheriff’s Office document released Tuesday identified Lolita Grayson as the victim in the incident and listed the offense under investigation as domestic-violence battery.

Grayson adamantly denies the accusations.

While the event that Grayson hosted for Leach raised a significant amount of money, none of it was contributed directly by Grayson or from his PAC.

Leach’s campaign manager Aren Platt gave the following statement today:

Daylin has been one of the leading voices in preventing violence against women and he finds the allegations against Congressman Grayson, if they are true, absolutely horrific.

While Congressman Grayson has not contributed to our campaign, if he had, Daylin would have returned the contribution as soon as these allegations were levied against him. Running for public office and holding public office means holding yourself to a higher standard — which is why Daylin would give back the contribution of anyone accused of committing a crime.

Daylin’s record in preventing violence against women is unmatched in Harrisburg. Daylin worked to secure a $10,000 DCED grant for the Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County’s legal services program as well as a $25,000 DPW grant for Laurel House, a shelter for women who have been victims of domestic abuse.

In the State Senate he crafted SB75, comprehensive anti-human trafficking legislation that would do more to prevent violence against women than nearly any bill the legislature has considered.

Additionally, he passed a law prohibiting shackling women who are giving birth while incarcerated and is a co-sponsor of a resolution recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness month.

The political rule of guilty-by-association has reared its ugly head once already in the PA-13 Democratic primary as Rep. Brendan Boyle received $10,000 from the Ironworkers 401. The Ironworkers allegedly used extensive intimidation tactics to convince construction contractors to hire unionized workers. Boyle did not return the contribution.

Boyle and and Leach are running against Dr. Valerie Arkoosh and former Congresswoman Marjorie Margolies to fill the open seat left by Rep. Allyson Schwartz’s retirement.


12 Responses

  1. To describe Alan Grayson is to describe Daylin Leach. Floridians have long been embarrassed by Grayson. We should prevent the same happening here in PA.

  2. KingOfSpades-

    I’m not saying he’s innocent, completely or otherwise.

    I just think it’s a weak move when candidates jump the gun and issue a statement that they would return any contributions (had they actually collected any in the first place) from someone because of disputed accusations.

  3. So are the Republicans going to give Grayson a medal for his heroism in the “War on Women”? His obnoxious, aggressive personality makes it very difficult for me to believe that he’s completely innocent in this. .

  4. Actually, this is a very bad statement:

    “While Congressman Grayson has not contributed to our campaign, if he had, Daylin would have returned the contribution as soon as these allegations were levied against him.”

    and “anyone accused ”

    As soon as allegations or accusations? How about as soon as conviction, confession, admission or indictment? Innocent until proven guilty?

    Not here, apparently.

    Piss-poor political knee jerk reaction before all the facts are in. In this case, the Liberal Lion seems more like the Lion from Oz.

    According to the Orlando Sentinel, Alan Grayson has released a video showing the wife attacking him, and there is a statement by their daughter backing his story:

    “After playing the video several times, the congressman’s attorneys distributed the statement from the couple’s adult daughter.

    “At no time did my father hit or push my mother,” Skye Grayson, 18, said in her statement. “In fact, my father backed away from my mother when she became physically aggressive.”

    So, if/when Grayson is cleared in this matter, will Daylin embrace him once again or just leave him under the bus.

    #campaign_fail #friend_fail

  5. Liberals Against Leach,

    Do you realize John Adams represented British soldiers who murdered American civilians? Being a defense attorney does not mean you endorse your client as an upstanding person.

  6. In other equally relevant news, a Daylin supporter was accused of nose picking. Police are still investigating. 🙂

  7. “While Congressman Grayson has not contributed to our campaign, if he had, Daylin would have returned the contribution as soon as these allegations were levied against him.”

    Nice reporting PPA. Consider Leach’s statement above before reading Observer’s below. Matthew 7:3-5 comes to mind.

  8. So, Leach will return direct campaign contributions from Grayson, but not campaign contributions received from a Grayson headlined event. Such a strong principled stance from his campaign.

  9. Once again, PPA prints half the story: An eyewitness standing 15 feet from the alleged assault said to the police that it never happened, but in fact, Mrs. Grayson ran to Mr. Grayson and attacked him. Please do more comlpete reporting.

    And it is nice to see that the Koch Brothers see that Daylin is such a threat to their plans to purchase the US Government, that they have a paid commenter attacking him – as if any true Liberal could ever possibly find fault with a defense lawyer doing well what he is paid to do. Rich Rightwingers are in such lack of empathetic abilities that they cannot think at all the way intelligent people do, and are obvious posers whenever they pretend to be progressive. Poor try, LAL! I hope the Kochs pay you well for your lame impersonations – I love to see them waste their money, like the $400,000,000 they wasted in 2012! LOLOlolol….

  10. Ya know, Leach, the wealthy trial lawyer, started his career defending rapists and scumbags. This is all on the public record.


    Women would be ill-served by having this misogynistic joker in Congress. You think Republicans are bad, try having this clown making insensitive barbs.

    “Politics Is Serious Business, We Need A Congressperson, Not A Clown”
    -Liberals Against Leach

  11. Boy, the Liberal Lion is taking quite the beating in the press today…

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