Lt. Gov.: Stack Wins Big


State Senator Mike Stack (D-Philadelphia) won the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor. He joins the Tom Wolf ticket against Governor Tom Corbett and Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley in the fall.

With about 50% of precincts reporting, Stack won with 48% of the vote, followed by former Congressman Mark Critz with 17%, Bradford County Commissioner Mark Smith with 14%, and State Rep. Brandon Neuman and Harrisburg City Councilman Brad Koplinski tied at 11%.

Stack’s popularity in Philadelphia immensely boosted his bid, and he was the only candidate for Lt. Gov. from the City of Brotherly Love, where Democratic primaries are oft-decided.

He was also able to fund an unparalleled media campaign, totalling nearly $850,000 across several media markets. No other candidate came close to that level of saturation.

12 Responses

  1. “Pupil on May 20, 2014 at 9:24 pm said:
    Great some philly thug who votes himself pay raises in the middle of the night, charges taxpayers for car washes, and doesn’t disclose he owns land sold for millions of tax dollars. That won’t be a drag on the fall ticket.”

    bump 🙂

  2. Who is Mike Stack? Those of us in York County
    know as much about him as the rest of you knew about Tom Wolf last December.

    I only saw one of Mt. Stack’s ads (on a Phila. TV station) and he didn’t say much about himself. He was painting Mark Critz as a DINO.
    Can someone point me to a profile or an earlier blurb in Politicspa? Who is Mike Stack?

  3. Critz wasn’t that much ahead of the other 3 and had the media not kept telling people Critz was a close second I doubt he would’ve done as well as he did.
    He needs to give up his political aspirations and get the one thing he keeps trying to avoid, a real job! McDonald’s is always hiring!

  4. A lot of people who liked Brad Koplinski voted for Stack under the theory (fear) that Stack was the best chance of beating Critz, so voting for Brad might enable Critz.

    The final numbers show that this reasoning was in error as Critz was nowhere near Stack.

  5. I would imagine the contested primary in PA-13 really helped drive up turnout in N.E. Phila.

  6. I voted for Neuman but im happy that Stack is our nominee. Lets all just rejoice that D.I.N.O Critz gets to go home and take up a lobbyist job for some right ring organization.
    Ladies and Gentlemen tonight we have found our next Governor and Lt. Governor Tom Wolf and Mike Stack

  7. This could have been predicted. He had by far the most money and had the advantage of higher than ave. turnout in the philly suburbs compared to the rest of the state. Smith did better than expected, it is looking like 3rd place.

  8. If you really think the bottom half of a ticket matters, I have 2 words for you, Dan Quayle. Nuff said.

  9. Great some philly thug who votes himself pay raises in the middle of the night, charges taxpayers for car washes, and doesn’t disclose he owns land sold for millions of tax dollars. That won’t be a drag on the fall ticket.

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