Marcellus Shale Coalition Sitting Out PA Society This Year

MSCThe Marcellus Shale Coalition has been a cornerstone of the annual Pennsylvania Society gathering for several years now.

This year, however, they won’t be having their usual Saturday night reception.

“As you may have heard,” MSC spokesman Amber Benzon told PoliticsPA. “Over the last year the natural gas industry has experienced a significant national downturn, exacerbated in Pennsylvania by lack of adequate pipeline infrastructure to move gas to market.”

“With the price of gas currently averaging $1.03/MCF at Pennsylvania markets, our state has experienced more than $10 billion in capital expenditure reductions and hundreds of layoffs across the Commonwealth,” she continues. “With our companies working diligently to maintain their foothold in Pennsylvania despite negative market forces, we felt that it was the right and prudent move to hit pause on our usual PA Society reception and instead focus all of our energies on creating an environment in Pennsylvania whereby our industry can continue to invest, employ and provide low-cost energy to Pennsylvania consumers.”

“To that end, we are encouraging our policymakers to maintain a competitive tax environment, support commonsense regulations and promote the use of this abundant, low cost resource to the benefit of Pennsylvania businesses and homeowners,” Benzon concludes. “We hope that if we are successful in that regard we will have cause to celebrate in future years, but for this year at least, our party is on hold.”

As for us, we’ll still have our regular list of events as well as reports and other stories concerning the big New York event.

11 Responses

  1. Why attend? They have already bought plenty of legislators. Why pay for the same real estate twice?

  2. This is all optics. They’ve been manipulating the prices and pleading poverty. There is certainly downward pressure, but their financial reports and statements to investors paint a very different picture than what they’ve been telling lawmakers and regulators.

  3. Oh, please. They’re not hosting because our inept Legislature still hasn’t passed a budget and it’s all about optics. They’ve spent their millions in lobbying dollars to keep the common sense tax from being passed. Plus this puts pressure on the government entities that control pipeline approvals. Cheese and whine. Wah wah wah

  4. Are you kidding, MSC will always be around as long as there is one mcf left to be wrung out of the earth. Of course the drilling is subsiding, how many wells have been drilled and capped for the future?

  5. So 12 months ago gas was at $4 per mcf now it’s at $1.03 per mcf. Perfect time to tax them governor! Run even more jobs out of pa!

  6. To poor to throw a party means to poor to be able to pay any additional taxes. Right? Not a chance

  7. No MSC…no Johnny Doc/IBEW party…no legislators. Will there be anything to do at the Waldorf other than watch people pretend to be important?

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