MCall Poll: Kane 40, Freed 28

A new poll released by The Morning Call and Muhlenberg College once again shows Democrat Kathleen Kane as the front runner in the race for Attorney General.

Kane leads GOP hopeful David Freed by 12 percent, stealing a portion of the vote away from those who were undecided in their poll last week. However, the undecided vote is still significant in this poll; 34 percent are still up in the air on who they will vote for.

The MCall poll is also included Governor Corbett’s approval rating, which is polling at 32 percent approval and 41 percent disapproval. That’s 3 points worse for him than last week, when he was disapproved 39 percent to 33.

Kane, a former assistant District Attorney from Lackawanna County; Freed is the District Attorney in Cumberland County. The two are set to square off in a debate Monday night in Harrisburg.

More of the poll’s details are posted here.

The pollster surveyed 444 likely voters from Oct. 17 to 21 via live interviews. The margin of error is plus or minus 5 percent.

49 percent of respondents identified as Democrats; 40 percent as Republicans.

12 Responses

  1. Handpicked by Corbett, Freed and the OAG will follow the orders emanating from the Governor’s Mansion on Front Street. They are desparate to get Freed in because they know their goose is cooked if Kathleen wins.

    It’s simple, elect Kane and Corbett will be indicted or at worst, defeated in 2014.

  2. Michael-

    Kane did prosecute an elected official… a corrupt judge, not a dog catcher. Also, the Freed will stand up to the good ol’ boys is a fictitious (I think) argument… but regardless of what I think, it’s a losing argument to anyone familiar w Corbett, Zimmerman; etc.

  3. With all this blather about Kane being “independent” and Freed being tied somehow to Corbett, you should look at how Freed has actually prosecuted elected Republican officials during his tenure as DA. Has Kane ever done that? No. Kane showed during the debate that she has no concept of what it’s like to run an office.

  4. If the governor (and former AG) was involved in covering up Sandusky, then Freed’s not the guy to find out.

  5. Jack-

    Don’t shoot the messenger on the “political conspiracies”. If you want a lap dog Freeds your guy for the cover up.

    I am very content w Kanes experience which consists of experience trying both civil and criminal. Both she and Dave freed are experienced. The question is who can ask the tough questions if need be? Freed misses the mark there and it’s fairly obvious why…

  6. We need a WATCHDOG in that office, not another LAPDOG who is in Corbett’s pocket! Anyone But Freed!!

  7. steelblitz, I know lots of assistant DAs with 12 years of experience who would have no business serving as the top cop for all of PA. You think being as assistant DA qualifies Kane to be AG, but you can’t point to anything that she’s done (especially while unemployed in the last 5 years). If your candidate has no record of achievement, the best you can do is point to political conspiracies. That’s pretty weak.

  8. Sean, that’s great what does it have to do with Kane? She hasn’t had a job in over five years, much less practicing law, running an office (which she has never done), or dealing with the elected officials who provide the funding.

  9. It’s time we elected a qualified woman to this strong legal post. Republican men have always run the attorney general’s office. Enough is enough.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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