In the game of endorsements, Rob McCord’s campaign is seeking to match quality with quantity. After news broke earlier today that Congressman Bob Brady had endorsed Allyson Schwartz’s campaign for Governor, McCord released a statement revealing he has secured the backing of 23 current and former members of the state legislature.
“I’m honored to have the early endorsement of so many hard-working Democrats from the state House and state Senate,” McCord said. “They share my fundamental view that we need to get back to investing in Pennsylvania families again, and I look forward to working with them as governor to make it happen.
He also took a swipe at Gov. Tom Corbett, whose relationship with the legislature has been… strained.
“Under Tom Corbett, the governor’s office has failed to engage constructively and productively with House and Senate members from either party. I believe we can do much better and I look forward to forging a more effective, successful working relationship with our elected leaders,” McCord said.
McCord received the backing of five members of the State Senate: John Blake, Tim Solobay, Sean Wiley, John Wozniak, and John Yudichak. Former State Sen. Joseph Gurzenda also proclaimed his support.
Fifteen current members of the State House are also backing the McCord’s gubernatorial effort: Bryan Barbin, Ryan Bizzaro, Mike Carroll, Dom Costa, Florindo Fabrizio, Jaret Gibbons, Neal Goodman, Kevin Haggerty, Ted Harhai, Robert Matzie, Joe Markosek, Sid Michaels-Kavulich, Deberah Kula, Chris Sainato, and Pam Snyder. Former State Reps. Jennifer Mann and Tim Seip also joined in.
The 23 predominantly represent areas outside southeastern Pa.
This announcement comes just a few hours after Allyson Schwartz revealed that she had won the endorsement of Congressman Bob Brady. Therefore, this was likely an attempt by the McCord campaign to counter that bit of good news for their rival campaign.
The embrace of the McCord campaign of a large number of state legislators echoes their announcement from last week that they had received the endorsement of 20 Democratic county committee chairs. So far these events have left an impression that McCord has support from grassroots leaders throughout the commonwealth but Schwartz is pulling in the state’s heavy hitters. Whether this perception will continue or is even true is yet to be seen.
Other gubernatorial candidates in the Democratic primary include former DEP Secretaries John Hanger and Katie McGinty, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski, Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, and former Department of Revenue Secretary Tom Wolf.
5 Responses
Brady who? Well you know what they all said about our President? and he is now serving two terms. regardless of the sex of a candidate and who they know. American’s are now looking for someone we can relate and have our best interest. I am a Woman who is fed up. When a woman is fed what, let’s just say, Let me be the first to say welcome, Governor McCord.
This is good news for McCord. Having across the board , state-wide support is far better than regional support.
The news would have been had Brady NOT endorsed a colleague he worked with in the House.
This is a more balance approach then the county chairs endorsements which on the surface appear like a county party endorsement instead of the personal endorsements they really are. It would be wiser to get out and obtain endorsements from community and business leaders instead of party figures at rubber chicken dinners.
Heavy hitters according to whom? I’m not so sure the recent Democratic turnout numbers in Philly qualify Congressman Brady as a heavy hitter. Just ask Supreme Court Justice Jack Panella how reliable Philly has been as of late. Oh, wait………
These are endorsements outside of McCord’s backyard, so to speak. Good showing.