Republican 11th Congressional district candidate Dan Meuser announced the endorsements of five of the nine Republican county chairs in the district.
“I have worked alongside these committed individuals and organizations for many years, helping to elect conservative Republicans,” Meuser said in a release announcing the endorsements.
The chairs that endorsed Meuser were Luzerne County chair Ron Ferrance, Columbia County chair Mary Baker, Dauphin County chair Dave Feidt, Montour County chair Marlene Gunther, and Northumberland County chair Beth Kremer.
The endorsements will likely help Meuser organize within the counties by tapping into the party structure of the county parties, especially ahead of the GOP caucus meetings and petition season.
State Rep. Steve Bloom and businessman Andrew Lewis are also running for the seat.
16 Responses
No! Remember, many of these county chairs were anti-trump. Be careful. This isn’t truly a good bell-wether of where the party is. This is where the chairman is! That’s it.
Dauphin GOP always goes establishment and the insider. That’s Meuser in a nutshell and so to do most of the GOP leadership. Ultimately, the endorsement doesn’t carry a ton of weight in the roots.
Interesting that the Cumberland Co-Chairman hasn’t rung in on this at all.
Greg Rothman is the only Chairman in Cumberland County.
He already endorsed Bloom
The Dauphin County GOP Chair, David Feidt, is a political consultant that is being paid by Dan Meuser. He lives in the 15th Congressional District and is also consulting for Mike Pries bid for Congress. Its easy to win his endorsement – just hand him the $$$.
We need to elect true conservatives to Congress, like Andrew Lewis. Someone that is a business owner, family man, person of faith and a veteran like Andrew is the perfect fit!
Committee person seats are up next year – its time for Dauphin County patriots to take back the party! There’s no reason Donald Trump shouldn’t have won here.
your theory doesn’t explain why the chairs of luzerne, columbia, montour, northumberland, row officers dauphin, entire R county committee luzerne and on and on all support meuser. are they all on payroll too? so every time someone endorses meuser, you cry pay off -going to make your campaign look more childish and ridiculous than it already does.
Andrew Lewis is going to win this whole thing. He already raised $116,000! And he is supported by real party leaders in some parts of dauphin county. Even if meuser wins in these county’s Andrew will still win 90 percent of perry county and real patriots in the other county’s. I bet he gets endorsed by the remaining chairs.
Send Andrew $ 5.56 to help arm his race!
116,000 is nothing. seriously. both bloom and Meuser easily raised as much. Lewis really has no standing here is actually hurting Bloom who is already been endorsed by several major conservative groups.
Andrew Lewis’s own county chair endorsed Meuser, that’s embarrassing.
Is this all the county chairs are there others?
This is the majority of the county chairs. but just having Dauphin and Luzerne, the two largest counties in the district, major blow to his opponents. plus don’t be fooled that he isn’t supported by most leaders in the few remaining counties in 11th too. probably going to gut punch with that next, but he’s spreading out the pain.
Proof Andy Lewis is a non factor. The continual drive of support from dauphin to Dan shows that. Andrew Lewis is swinging at a giant and making himself look like a fool while doing it.
Dan Meu$er has been very good to the Party.
You mean the Democratic Party, right?!?!
Do the Dauphin County Tea Party Patriots agree with the Dauphin County Chairman’s endorsement?
They don’t endorse and don’t expect them to come out for one vs. the other in this race as many people involved with DCTP are close with Meuser and are voting for a friend vs. a politician. Many are also close to Bloom and with Lewis.
Generally, the TP stays out of this GOP endorsement stuff unless they are committee members.
i stand corrected in my previous comment. Central PA TPP just endorsed Barletta. No shocker as he’s their congressman and it’s evident that he’s going to win the nomination.