Mustio Calls for Ceasefire, Releases Positive Ad (Watch Video)

Mark Mustio has pulled his negative ads and is asking opponent Raja to do the same. After weeks of nasty intra-GOP fighting, the state Rep. has laid down his arms.

Gone are the accusations that Raja’s company sent American jobs to India. His decision comes one day after he released two ads that criticize Raja, along with a mailer containing racial overtones.

The tenor of the campaign caused Mustio endorser Rep. Tim Murphy to offer kind words about Raja.

Mustio’s new final spot asserts that Mustio has run a positive campaign, and defends against Raja’s attacks that he voted for the legislative pay raise. He reiterates the he’s been endorsed by Sen. John Pippy, the man he seeks to replace.

3 Responses

  1. All this trash campaigning should make the Post-gazette and this site trumpet the 3rd candidate….SUE MEANS!!!! Sue Means is runnign as a citizen-legislator who will go shake things up and come home. SUE MEANS BUSINESS!!!!

  2. Short of appearing at a Klan rally–and he has four days left–there is no stone left unturned by Mustio to make this a campaign about race. George Wallace would be proud. Pennsylvanians, I think, will be less impressed.

  3. Mustio asserting that he has run a positive campaign is a joke. This race has been an embarrassment all around.

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