NEW AD: Jim Gerlach Is Keeping The 6th District “Down”…

NEW AD: Jim Gerlach Is Keeping The 6th District “Down”…
ELVERSON, Pa. – Manan Trivedi started airing his fourth television ad of the general election across the district today. Congressman Jim Gerlach has spent years down in Washington, voting with the Washington special interests over the people of the 6th District. Last night, in the final debate of the election, Gerlach’s Washington ways were exposed, and Trivedi called on the congressman to explain why he has worked against the people of the 6th again and again — taking money from Washington special interests to do their bidding and voting to support the tax breaks that reward companies for shipping our jobs overseas. Those issues and Gerlach’s failure to address taking pay raise after pay raise while so many others are hurting need to answered.
The ad, “Down,” can be viewed here. Read the script below.
  Manan Trivedi: I’m Manan Trivedi and I approve this message.
 VO: When Jim Gerlach went to Washington, something changed.
 He took over seven hundred thousand dollars from special interest groups and voted to give his donors a fat government contract.
[Center for Responsive Politics, “Jim Gerlach: Top Industries,” <>; Roll Call 630 <>, HR 6, November 18, 2003; The Boston Globe, October 4, 2004]
 Now he’s voting to give tax breaks to those who send our jobs overseas.
[Roll Call 324 <>, HR 4213, May 28, 2010; Roll Call 259 <>, H.R. 4520, June 17, 2004]
 To reward himself? Gerlach took multiple pay raises.
[Legistorm, “Member Salaries,”]
 Jim Gerlach. He’s doing it the Washington way… And we’re taking a pounding.


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