New Judge Named in Kane Case

KanePennsylvania’s biggest trial in quite some time just got a new judge.

According to Robert Moran of the Inquirer, Montgomery County Court President William Furber has picked a replacement. Apparently, he felt his office would prevent him from devoting enough time to this high-profile case.

Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy will now conduct the trial.

Demchick-Alloy was a prosecutor in Philadelphia during the 1980’s and then worked in the Montco District Attorney’s office. She has been a judge since 2010.

Like Furber, Demchick-Alloy is a Republican, which may be used as a line of defense by the Democratic Attorney General’s team.

108 Responses

  1. Here’s a sampling of the emails of Kane’s sister that she found “not offensive.”

    “Domestic Violence: Because sometimes, you have to tell her more than once.” Including a picture of a woman with a black eye.

    a photograph of an African American toddler bedecked in gold jewelry and clutching a stack of money – “disgusting . . . obviously racist,” said the NOW representative who hasn’t called for the Kane sisters’ resignations.

    “Illegal Immigrants: Millions of them come in and only one bastard actually works.”

    There’s also some good stuff for the LGBT community. Shall I go on?

    Do you think the fact that these were her sister’s emails made her withhold any discipline?

    Remember, her sister was sending her this stuff since 2009.

  2. DD – Kane didn’t force Eakin to fo this either:

    Embattled state Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin tried to install new leaders in Philadelphia’s massive court system by pushing his colleagues on the high court to act before three new justices joined the bench this week.

    Chief Justice Thomas Saylor and two other justices confirmed Tuesday that Eakin had urged them to put new leaders in place last month, but said they rejected his proposal.

    Eakin’s move would have cut the new justices out of a major decision, handing out a political plum right before they took office: oversight of the nation’s fifth-largest court system.


  3. BWAaaassssttttttt !!!!

    That’s his evidence of “blackmail”? No wonder that troll-boy thinks the case against AG Kane is strong … ROFL

    Fina went to Carpenter to try to stop the bleeding. It worked for a while. But now his career has bled out … it’s dead. His boss was on CNN back-tracking on his position that he won’t fire Fina.

    And with a team of impartial lawyers looking at his e-mails, an orange jump-suit is in order.

  4. “But in late summer, Fina obtained a ruling from a Montgomery County judge barring Kane from citing his name publicly in almost any fashion, according to several sources familiar with the ruling.
    Judge William R. Carpenter, overseeing a grand jury in the eastern part of the state, granted the order after Fina argued to the judge that Kane’s office was using the threat of tying him to the sexually explicit e-mails to intimidate and silence him and others, the sources said.
    Fina cited an encounter in which he said a Kane aide had threatened his friend and former colleague Christopher Carusone, warning that if Fina kept criticizing Kane, “a lot people could get hurt,” according to two people familiar with the allegation.
    Sources close to Carusone say the aide, David Tyler, told him: “Tell your boy to stop” – words Carusone took as a threat against Fina.
    Carusone and Tyler declined to comment for this article.
    There is no dispute that the two men encountered each other in August in Harrisburg and discussed what was then the still publicly undisclosed cache of porn e-mails.”

  5. Unsanctioned R-

    That makes no sense.

    Since the email’s have been released, Fina has made NO public claim that he’d been blackmailed. What would he be blackmailed into “silence” about?

    Didn’t he pretty much quit right after Kane took office?

  6. David, you’ve already admitted that she’s known about the email streams for years. That she tried to blackmail Fina into silence with their existence, before she decided to release them, is well reported history.

    Here’s one account:

  7. Unsanctioned R-

    Do you have ANY proof that she used these emails for blackmail and for years? As far as I can tell, they’ve been used to undermine the credibility and reputation of the people who have abusing the system for years, and were attacking her first to cover up their own misbehavior.

    Certainly, the actions of Eakin failing to recuse himself cannot be blamed on Kane, nor can Kane be blamed for the content of his emails that he sought to cover up with his friend posing as an independent investigator.

    I have to resort to technology you understand. The other stuff you are talking about regarding Kane has nothing to do with the bogus and trumped up perjury charges.

    Pat Unger-

    You almost wonder if any of that $400K got kicked back to those that seemed to look away so Ali could keep it.

  8. It appears that Fina, Ali, and the guy who represents BOTH of them, Bob Levant, scrambled to make sure that they got their dirty work done before AG Kane got sworn in. This is from Craig McCoy’s original article about the “abandoned” sting case:

    ‘A cloud’

    Kane’s aides took a decidedly negative view of Ali. They bristled at the “non-prosecution” deal he struck – signed by Fina, Ali, and Levant on Nov. 30, 2012, after Kane’s election but before she took office.

    In the statement to The Inquirer, Kane’s office complained the agreement was “extraordinarily lenient” – so much so that it would have undermined any prosecutions.

    The deal “casts a cloud over the credibility of the confidential informant and the entire investigation,” the office said, adding that makes it appear as if prosecutors had “bought and paid for [Ali’s] testimony many times over.”

    Levant, Ali’s attorney, pushed to make sure the deal was upheld …

    A fierce legal fight ensued in a flurry of secret motions filed last September and October, as Levant and the Attorney General’s Office thrashed out Ali’s fate. Levant won. In the sealed filings, the Attorney General’s Office agreed to nolle prosse – withdraw – the fraud case, dropping all 1,717 charges.

    “I’ve never seen a case nolle prossed under seal,” said one state official familiar with the sting. “It is just bizarre.”

    So, after his four-year odyssey, Ali walked away free of all charges [And Fina let him keep the $400,000.00 he stole].

  9. Who with at least half a brain has any doubt that our highest law enforcement official didn’t knowingly leak the smear memo in the envelope she admits handing over to be leaked?

  10. So – why did Frank Fina “drop” the prosecution of Mondesire? We know that Mondesire was Seth Williams’ buddy. Did Mondesire have the same attorney as Fina … like Tyron Ali does? What does Fina have to hide on that case? What was in the Memo?

    And when is someone going to investigate the leaks of protected material from the Kane investigation? Fina is known for leaking things to the press.

  11. Oh look …now the troll-boy knows exactly what will happen at trial!!! 30 second deliberation. LOL

    I know what will happen too!! The truth will finally come out. And the jury will certainly know that there were MANY LEAKS from the Kane grand jury. If I am Kane’s attorney, I ask every witness if they were responsible for any of those leaks and if they did anything to prosecute those responsible.

    Defense will certainly call Fina and Ali – who have the same attorney. Ali will help establish that Morrow is a liar … or is it vice-versa??

    Rumor has it that the lawyer representing con-man Ali and the prosecutor that gave him an “unjust” plea deal also had a hand in getting Seth Williams against the FBI’s criminal investigation (which Williams laughably tried to “blame” Kand for). Is that true, shill-boys?

  12. 12 half-brained jurors should deliberate 30 seconds. The only reasonable doubt is in Kane’s defense…that she doesn’t believe releasing the smear memo (that she says she didn’t know was in the envelope and others confirmed could not be released) broke the law. Proving the malice of her motive will make for a long trial. Not because it will be difficult, but because there’s just so much to present.

  13. Bing takes it a little too far, but at least he is not the same pathetic, pock-marked troll typing the same nonsense over and over. As if everyone doesn’t know he is a Clown Car shill. LOL

    I agree with Bing that Kane has come face-to-face with the worst of the worst when it comes to sleaze. Just look at their e-mails. They are a window into their souls.

  14. Katniss Kane is exposing all the sleezy people in Government for that she should get a Congressional Medal of Honor for her Bravery in the AFight against very Powerful Sleezy People Long Live Katniss Kane

  15. Kane didn’t lift a finger regarding the emails other than to use them as blackmail FOR YEARS while in office. It wasn’t until she needed leverage for her self-inflicted crimes that she started to drip them out against her enemies–-not even acknowledging her sister’s involvement…or her own l o n g knowledge of them (KK having received them in 2009).

    Did she have to commit crimes to out this bad, non-criminal behavior? Nope, she could have done it in 2013, 2014, …but, no, she just saves her own skin, even finally throwing her sister under the bus.

    It’s all about Kathleen. She’s done whatever it takes to hurt her perceived enemies. Rendell was right.

    She’s one desperate and vindictive AG who’s M.O. Is to silence witnesses with blackmail and whistle-blower firings. Jail is appropriate.

  16. David,
    Poor Poor obstinate David…. You need new material. The etch a sketch thing has been overused even by you. I am sure you included all the details to your “friend” right? No, I am sure as you seem to always do just provide a one sided, pea brained view. I think right now even the multiple personalities of HAHAHA even did a double take at your friend comment. Tell me David, did this friend that you likely won at a carnival playing whack a mole, know the perjury was brought on by her own vindictiveness, that she has lied countless times to the media, gone through half a dozen press secretaries because only a washer was capable of doing more spin than they could? That she promoted a man accused, investigated and found to have committed sexual harassment in the workplace? Did you tell teddy….I mean your friend that?

  17. SpongeBob and Scranton Sucks-

    My friend is not attorney steeped in the differences between PA and NJ criminal law. He’s just a person who recognizes political bullsh*t and hackery when he sees it.

    What’s nonsense is even bringing the charge, which is not only petty, but a transparent attempt to trump up misdemeanors into a felony.

    Hopefully, the jurors will be able to see through this as well.

    SpongeBob, I still can’t imagine anyone employing you to do computer work, unless they can’t tell a tablet from an Etch-a-Sketch

  18. O – Ignore Suck-Boy. It’s the same pathetic FOXtard troll. Interesting stuff on the “new” Judge. Kane will surely file a Motion now. Is this “new” Judge really a friend of the not-so-special Repervlican prosecutor in the Kane witch-hunt? How can she be objective?

  19. Demchick’s best buddy at the Courthouse, and her Republican running mate in 2009 for the county Bench, was Carolyn Carluccio – yes, the wife of Frank Carluccio. And she worked for YEARS alongside Risa Vetri in Mafia-controlled Mikey Marino’s DA Office. So the Repuke Cesspool in Norristown continues to swirl down the drain. Whatever rulings Demchick issues will be overturned by our new, Enlightened Supreme Court, and no conviction will stand. Furber wanted out of this sh*tstain of a case.

  20. Maybe GOP Furber thought the first half of the Demchick-Alloy name was a description of her political affiliation.

  21. Diano, you have been harping for a long time about the perjury charge being “nonsense,” and it doesn’t help your argument to pull in a mythical “friend” (as if you have any) from New Jersey (which even you should know has different substantive criminal law). The perjury charge is not only a felony, but under the PA Constitution it also bars Kane from public office forever. I wouldn’t call that nonsense.

  22. David,
    When you say you were describing the case to a friend of your in Jersey do you really mean talking to you stuffed animal collection? Based on how you act there simply is no way people would befriend you…

    Given the way you dismiss logic and reason for blind loyalty I can’t imagine that most who meet you don’t have the urge to throat punch you within minutes.

  23. Eakin should resign when Kane and Ellen resign since Ellen sent and Kane received emails that make fun of domestic violence, male porn, and racism.
    How can any male that works for Ellen and Kathleen not feel like a sexual object when they view pics of male prom and comment on it?

  24. Pat Unger-

    I was describing the case to a friend of mine in Jersey, who had only heard that Kane was in some legal trouble. When I explained the case, and got to the perjury charge, he interrupted and said the perjury charge was nonsense.

    Let’s hope he’s typical of at least one (or all 12) juror(s)

  25. For the record — I think Ms. Granahan (Kane’s sister) needs to be prosecuted if she used her State computer to send hate-filled, racist, women-hating material.

    None of that affects my opinion on Fina though. He is a creep pervert and a racist women-hater. He has no business being employed as a prosecutor. His messages (and the images that accompanied them) suggesting that female employees need to “service’ their bosses to advance their careers is disgusting, indecent, and, in Justice Castille’s words — a violation of the Crimes Code.

  26. Pat Unger you are so right! Fina put a serial pedophile in jail and Granahan has accomplisshed…nothing (heck, she doesn’t even show up for work). So, fire Fina and promote Granahan and tell her and Kane to stop forwarding porn and racist emails to each other!

  27. Oh Larry,

    I forgot to mention that Kane continues to employ a male-hating, racist pig named Ellen that she promoted!!! Maybe someday you will understand your hypocrisy!

  28. Larry,

    Two wrongs don’t make a right-but your hypocrisy in constantly calling for Fina to be fired but excusing Granahan is disgusting. Granahan’s emails are racist, make light of domestic violence & as CHIEF of Child Predator she prosecutes sex crimes. Seems like Grnahan sending male penis pics with vulgar comments would make male victims of sexual predators feel uncomfortable. Equality, Larry, equality. If it is a clown car then admit that Granahan and Kane are driving it too! NOW should start calling for Granahan to be fired!!! (oh wait, she is a female-oops- Now will excuse her sexist and racist emails!)

  29. Not sure I get the connection between Fina and Granahan.

    Is the Clown Car argument that two wrongs do make a right? Are they saying that Kane’s failure to discipline Granahan (BTW – I have no idea if there was any discipline) makes it OK for Williams to continue to employ the racist, women-hating creeps he hired when they fled the AG’s Office?

    Quick — someone inform NOW, Senator Williams, Mayor Kenney and the rest of the list: Tell them that Kane still employs people who sent inappropriate e-mails. That should make them OK with City monies being sent on a high-paid prosecutor who sent this around using his State computer:

  30. @ Larry
    Have you seen the domestic violence jokes that Ellen (Kane’s twin sister) was sending around? How about the male penis pics…with vulgar comments! Is she still on the PA tax rolls???

    How friggin’ into porn is Ellen that she commented on it and forwarded it on her state computer…to the Kathleen Kane!!!

  31. @ Larry
    Have you seen the domestic violence jokes that Ellen (Kane’s twin sister) was sending around? How about the male penis pics…with vulgar comments! Is she still on the PA tax rolls???

    How friggin’ into porn is Ellen that she commented on it and forwarded it on her state computer…to Kathleen Kane!!!

  32. @Ha3
    Of course! Frank Fina is behind everything. He even made Kane lie under oath. He really is an powerful being.

  33. DD – Don’t worry. This will be a jury trial … with all the fixins!!! Including one of the best criminal defense attorneys in the country.

    That’s if Kevin Steele actually goes forward with this joke of a prosecution. Don’t forget that his star witness (Josh Morrow) has told two completely different stories. Don’t forget that con-man Ali’s story makes Morrow a complete liar.

    They can’t prove Kane actually illegally leaked anything; and the perjury charge is sheer nonsense.

    The bigger issue for Steele (bigger than the paucity of his evidence) is the fact that he will be seen as corrupt if he prosecutes Kane for one alleged leaks and continues to turn a blind eye toward the many illegal leaks from the Kane grand jury. He has to choices: Don’t move forward against Kane OR lock up the Clown Car occupants responsible for the many leaks from the Kane investigation.

  34. Does this mean that Demchick-Alloy has to recopy Furber’s (or Fina’s or Risa’s) pre-written verdict into her own handwriting?

  35. When is the trial date????

    I need to get some fresh popcorn. All the old stuff I bought when people told me that Kane was “out” … or a “goner” …. or “about to be removed” …. It’s all gone stale!!


  36. Speaking of Fina — is he still on the City’s payroll?

    You know, guys who send stuff like this around usually don’t make it as Philly prosecutors:

    Imagine seeing that and thinking it is soooooo funny that you just have to use your State computer to send it to your white male buddies. How friggin’ racist is Fina?

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