Lt. Governor John Fetterman talks about criminal justice reform at the PA Press Club, while President Donald Trump nominates ex-Ridley Park councilman and current ambassador to Norway to be the next Navy Secretary. Here is the Playbook.
Fetterman Talks Criminal Justice Reform at PA Press Club: The Lieutenant Governor, joined by two former lifers that he hired after their sentences were commuted, made the case that Pennsylvania has a once in a lifetime opportunity to address criminal justice reform issues.
Trump Nominates Former Ridley Park councilman as Navy Secretary: Kenneth Braithwaite, a retired Navy Rear Admiral and ex-Ridley Park councilman who has served as U.S. ambassador to Norway, was nominated by President Donald Trump to replace ousted Navy Secretary Richard Spencer.
Legislative Election Update:
HD-66: State Rep. Chris Dush (R-Jefferson) announced that he will not seek reelection in 2020. Dush, who is serving his third term in the state House, put a self-imposed term limit on himself.
HD-36: Jessica Benham, who is launching a Democratic primary challenge to state Rep. Harry Readshaw (D-Allegheny), was endorsed on Monday by state Sen. Lindsey Williams (D-Allegheny).
Harrisburg & DC
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: ‘I thought I’d die in prison:’ Commuted lifers will celebrate Thanksgiving at home this year
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: MontCo Dem McCarter announces 2020 retirement
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Pennsylvania physicians announce support for safe injection sites
AP: Pennsylvania lawmakers, judges pulling down raises in 2020
PLSReporter: Fetterman advocates for second chances, criminal justice reform at press club luncheon
PLSReporter: Three state lawmakers to retire at end of current term
PLSReporter: Philadelphia heading for second pre-emption battle with General Assembly
StateImpactPA: Pittsburgh mayor’s comments set off controversy over petrochemical industry’s impact to Western Pa.
National Journal: Lamb Walks Thin Line on Impeachment
Inquirer: Pennsylvania Democrats don’t just want to beat Trump in 2020: They want the state House back
Inquirer: Trump’s pick to lead the Navy is a Penn grad and former suburban Philadelphia councilman
Inquirer: New Pa. law requiring immigration checks on construction workers shows labor’s identity crisis
Inquirer: He didn’t know he had a preexisting condition — until his insurer rejected his $35,000 hospital bill
Inquirer: The census isn’t always right. Here’s what cities can do when they think it’s wrong.
Inquirer: Neshaminy School District can keep ‘Redskins’ name, but must educate students to prevent stereotypes, state commission says
PA Post: For families and the incarcerated, the holidays are ‘devastating’
WHYY Newsworks: Pennsylvania’s LNG export boom heads to Japan
KYW Newsradio: Neshaminy School District can keep using ‘Redskins’ name but some changes may be in order
WESA: ‘Incarceration Is The New Cancer’: PA Sen. Camera Bartolotta On Her Work To Revamp Criminal Justice
CNN: Trump taps US Ambassador to Norway to be his new Navy Secretary
Post-Gazette: Game Commission says Saturday hunting doesn’t present added danger
The Hill: Billboards calling on House Republicans to ‘do their job’ follow members home for Thanksgiving
Politico: Medicare for All’s jobs problem
Fox News: Who is Rear Adm. Ken Braithwaite? Trump’s choice for Navy secretary has distinguished career
KYW Newsradio: Philly’s official election results show millennials closing the gap in voter turnout
KYW Newsradio: Environmentalists give Philly a ‘C’ for sustainability on city report card
Inquirer: Philadelphia has decriminalized marijuana, but those who get high on probation still risk incarceration
Inquirer: Philly judge rails against DA Krasner over appeals to disqualify the judge from hearing criminal cases
Inquirer: Bankrupt Philly refinery seeks millions more for executive bonuses ahead of potential sale
Inquirer: Philly’s Ukrainians on the Trump impeachment hearings: ‘Suddenly everybody knows about Ukraine’
Inquirer: Ex-Philly cop Ryan Pownall’s murder trial will be heard by city jurors, judge rules
Inquirer: A boost for Cheyney University: The school will keep its accreditation
WHYY Newsworks: Who can replace PIDC’s John Grady, mastermind of Philly’s Navy Yard?
Philadelphia Tribune: Legislation introduced in Council to change real estate tax abatement
Philadelphia Tribune: Cheyney University to keep its accreditation
Philadelphia Citizen: Reality Check: Walking The Talk On Clean Energy
Delco Daily Times: Ex-Ridley Park councilman is Trump’s pick for Navy secretary
Delco Daily Times: Micozzie names Lt. Bernhardt to fill Chitwood’s spot as interim U.D. top cop
Delco Daily Times: Rally slated to ‘save Chester schools’ from charter
Montgomery Media: Godshall remembered by Lansdale, Hatfield officials
Daily Local News: Cheyney University wins accreditation
Daily Local News: Sappey’s donation drive benefits five local charities
Bucks Courier Times: State commission orders Neshaminy to stop using stereotypical Native American images
Bucks Courier Times: Warminster faces tax increase, water sale or bankruptcy
Inquirer: Neshaminy School District can keep ‘Redskins’ name, but must educate students to prevent stereotypes, state commission says
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. state commission: Bucks County school district can keep controversial nickname
KYW Newsradio: Neshaminy School District can keep using ‘Redskins’ name but some changes may be in order
Bucks Local News: Pa. Human Relations Commission orders Neshaminy to stop using ‘Redskins’ logos, images; but name can still be used with restrictions
WESA: Democrats, Republicans Protest Lamb’s Decision On Impeachment Investigation
WESA: ‘Incarceration Is The New Cancer’: PA Sen. Camera Bartolotta On Her Work To Revamp Criminal Justice
WESA: Law Enforcement Charge 19 Individuals With Drug Trafficking
City Paper: Jessica Benham picks up five progressive endorsements in state Rep. race against conservative Democrat
City Paper: Carnegie Library pilots eliminating fines at three locations
KDKA: Passionate Protests For And Against Impeachment Also Find Common Ground
KDKA: Mayor Peduto Pens Letter To State Lawmakers Calling For Decriminalization Of Fentanyl Test Strips
KDKA: Pittsburgh City Councilwoman Wants Restriction On Some Exotic Reptile Pets
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh City Councilwoman Darlene Harris calls for regulation of alligators, crocodiles and venomous snakes
Tribune Review: Pittsburgh ordinance would regulate reptile ownership
Observer-Reporter: South Strabane approves preliminary budget with tax increase
Beaver County Times: Bill would create logos for businesses owned by vets
Beaver County Times: Beaver County Conservation District to allow hunting
Beaver County Times: Beaver County communities receive state grants for comprehensive plans
The Times Leader: Luzerne County court branch presenting 2020 budget request Tuesday
The Times Leader: Luzerne County Drug and Alcohol Director resigns
The Times Leader: Letter demands citizen drop legal action against Luzerne County council chair
The Times Leader: Wilkes-Barre Sewer Authority intact, five appointees still on board
Citizens Voice: Pedri to hire new director of elections next month
Citizens Voice: Luzerne County Drug, Alcohol head resigns
Times-Tribune: Notarianni and Domenick announce transition team leaders
Times-Tribune: Scranton City Council asks administration for ‘Plan B’ in case budget initiatives fail
South Central
Patriot News: ‘This bill would bleed out the Harrisburg School District’: Pa. auditor general speaks on voucher bill
Patriot News: Care for people who can’t breathe on their own is threatened, central Pa. lawmaker says
York Dispatch: Contempt of court hearing for Sandra Thompson rescheduled
LNP | LancasterOnline: ‘Games of skill’ remain unregulated, per recent Commonwealth Court ruling
Lehigh Valley
Express Times: This issue for food banks ‘makes no sense at all,’ Toomey says in Bethlehem visit
Express Times: Bethlehem councilman says mayor tried to intimidate him after call for ethics probe
Morning Call: Northampton County election won’t be challenged, GOP says. Here’s why
Morning Call: PA lawmaker: Ban hand-held cellphone use while driving. Neighboring states already do
Morning Call: Days before Thanksgiving, U.S. Sen. Toomey unveils bill to make it easier to donate food to needy
Morning Call: Bethlehem Mayor Robert Donchez delivers defense of aide targeted by councilman
Reading Eagle: Reading Charter Review Commission proposing to limit mayor’s power
Reading Eagle: Alvernia University president meets with Reading officials about downtown plan
North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Montgomery looking at no tax-hike budget
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Ordinance sets stage for police reconfiguration in South Williamsport and Duboistown boroughs
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Let’s all buckle up: Pennsylvania lawmakers should heed the data
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Help for coal miners: Flame the ember of hope for miners’ pension rescue
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Aid for a necessity: Sign up now for help with city water bills
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Respect patient privacy: Be wary of Google’s medical partnership
Inquirer Editorial Board: State puts our children in danger by not allowing city to regulate guns
LNP Editorial Board: Praise for program that provides warm breakfast meals and some dignity
John L. Micek: Pa.’s Fitzpatrick rolls out bipartisan bill aimed at fighting fentanyl trafficking | Monday Morning Coffee
Richard S. Edley: These state services aiding Pa.’s most severely disabled individuals are at risk
John N. Mitchell: Philly FOP boss McNesby fumbles in painting Jenkins as racist
Dick Polman: Gordon Sondland went full Agatha Christie on the Trump regime
Antony Davies and James R. Harrigan: Politics have made ‘socialism’ and ‘capitalism’ meaningless terms
Naomi Moland: Sesame Street is one of our best exports — so why does the Trump administration want to cut its funding?
Maria Panaritis: This Fox Chase Boy and his courage brought down the house
Gregory Hill: Affirmative Action isn’t a tool to control minorities
Keith C. Burris: Instead of sheep