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Obama Camp Online Map: How Romney’s Tax Plan Compares

This is what the interactive map shows for Pennsylvania.

This morning, President Obama’s campaign announced the release of a new online map that shows state-by-state how the middle class will have lower tax rates under Obama – as compared to proposed tax reform plans by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Coming the day after the release of a “Middle Class Tax Calculator,” on their website, the Obama campaign’s latest online feature portrays Obama as the President middle class Pennsylvanians need.

According to the Obama for America website 5,960,000 middle class Pennsylvanians would see an average tax increase of $2,000 per year. By contrast, the site claims Obama saved the same group $3,549 in his first term.

“In order for Mitt Romney to pay for his $5 trillion tax plan weighted toward the wealthiest, he would have to raise taxes on millions of middle-class families,” an Obama for America press release said. “In fact, on average, families who have children and make less than $200,000 would see their taxes increase by more than $2,000.”

The savings figures attributed to Obama are from an Obama for America’s Analysis of Census Bureau data, while Romney’s figures come from OFA’s analysis of a Tax Policy Center study. State figures reflect OFA’s analyses of IRS statistics of income data.

Obama’s latest campaign tool reflects a blossoming trend in the country, as both presidential campaigns have taken advantage of technology and social media to give themselves a PR boost to help recruit volunteers and raise cash.

Yesterday, Quinnipiac University’s recent polling numbers revealed that a majority of PA voters support raising taxes on those earning over $250K a year. With the Obama campaign claiming Romney’s tax plan protects only wealthy Americans, the latest feature could prove effective heading forward.

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