Obama to Visit Pa. on Bus Tour

Obama portrait term 2

Update: According to an Associated Press report, the President will stop in Scranton in addition to three cities in New York. Further details are not yet available.

Even with the 2012 election behind him, President Barack Obama is not done campaigning in Pa.

The president will swing through Pennsylvania, as well as New York, as part of a bus tour late next week, USA Today reports.

Stops for the two-day bus tour on August 22 and 23 have yet to be announced, but Obama will focus on the middle class, according to the White House.

Obama’s two-state, two-day stump will follow his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, which ends Sunday.

6 Responses

  1. He IS still campaigning; it’s all he knows and he’d doing his part to keep the Democrats’ stranglehold on the country. He’s been yammering about the middle class for some time and nothing in any of his policies have been beneficial to that group. The reverse is true. Only the poor and the wealthy have benefitted under this administration.

  2. He is still campaigning; it’s all he knows and he’s doing his part to keep the Democrats’ strangle hold on the country. He’s been yammering on about the middle class for quite some time and nothing in his policies have been beneficial to that group. Quite the reverse is true. Under his administration, only the poor and the wealthy have benefitted.

  3. WOW: This is more scary then SHARKNADO! Our first Black Socialist President does a bus tour off-election. Rendell used to bring a bus around but we only had to hide our Twinkies from Ed. Now we have Obama coming to register our guns, convince our husbands and our wives to divorce us and marry their gay lovers, and give all of us Obamacare cards. Who is going to protect the white folk from this dangerous Muslim? PAGOP Chair Rob Gleason, you love the white folk, and it is time for you to step up to the plate, big time. Show the White Folk you are even willing to throw yourself under the bus to protect our sacred way of life. This tour was made for you my man. http://www.keystonepolitics.com/2013/07/the-pa-republican-partys-leadershi

  4. I feel the extreme urgency of now. Thank you President Obama for coming to my home to show that I count in this democracy. Take our fight to 112 State Street. Show the PAGOP’S # 1 Race Hustler, Rob Gleason, that we cannot be disenfranchised! Bring your OFA volunteers to organize a record-setting African American turnout in 2014. Together we can show Corbett and the PAGOP’s, Bull Connor, Rob Gleason, that even poor African-Americans should have the right to participate in American democracy in 2014. Thank President Obama. Please bring Michelle too!

  5. Bryan,
    I resent your remark that the president’s visit is “campaigning”. He is not running for office, and he’s not headlining a fundraiser. He is promoting his policies, and meeting the people impacted.

    There is a difference.

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