Voter Files FEC Complaint Against Wallace

Though the issue has lingered since January, a voter has now filed an official Federal Election Commission complaint against Democratic Congressional nominee Scott Wallace.

In what is already expected to be an important race to watch this fall — a recent poll shows Wallace neck and neck with incumbent Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks) in PA-1 — the complaint formalizes an alleged violation Wallace opponents said merits an investigation into his campaign finances.

Wallace supporters, meanwhile, have called the filing an attempt to distract from poll numbers showing how competitive the race has become.

In a copy of the complaint filed May 22, voter Elmer Bowman of Red Lion alleges Wallace may have violated Federal Election Campaign Act disclosure requirements by not submitting paperwork within 15 days of raising or spending $5,000.

The Wallace campaign filed its statement of candidacy Jan. 24, the same day it released an online ad. Disclosure of a $35,000 for television ad production was filed Feb. 7.

Bowman’s complaint notes the timeline, adding “it is highly unlikely that a television advertisement” of that cost “could be fully produced within the 15 days required.”

Conservative online news site the Washington Free Beacon immediately took notice of the ad; National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Chris Martin said at the time that it took the Wallace campaign “less than a week” to break finance laws.

In the same article, the Free Beacon addressed similar campaign filing issues with Rachel Reddick, another would-be Fitzpatrick challenger Wallace defeated in the May primary.

Filings of this type are commonplace for political committees, and it’s worth noting that no voter seems to have stepped forward to file a similar complaint against Reddick.

When reached Tuesday Martin, of the NRCC, said the complaint is important because voters deserve to know if Wallace is not adhering to campaign finance law.

“Multimillionaire Washington insiders like Scott Wallace think the rules don’t apply to them,” Martin said.

Eric Nagy, Campaign Manager for Scott Wallace for Congress, called the complaint frivolous, and accused the NRCC of spending months trying to sell a blatantly false accusation.

“It’s painfully obvious how scared Brian Fitzpatrick and national Republicans are of losing this seat, again trotting out this ridiculous claim,” Nagy said. “Maybe they should be more concerned with the money Rep. Fitzpatrick took from a convicted felon linked to Jack Abramoff; or the dirty money he never returned from the disgraced Pat Meehan; or the quarter million dollars he’s taken from corporate PACs.”

10 Responses

  1. I have been a solid Republican vote in the past, but am leaning towards voting straight Democrat in the fall. None of our Republican leaders are standing up to the president – and that “trumps” party for me.

  2. Wallace is a legit socialist, if you enjoy any of the freedom and liberty you have in this country you legit can’t vote for him. I respect his grandfather, but the family has certainly gone in the wrong direction since then. Didn’t this guy vote absentee from South Africa last election? But yet he thinks he represents the county?

  3. People in Maryland and South Africa don’t care about rules when it comes to how I spend money. Rules don’t apply to me because I am a 1 Percenter. These people in Pennsylvania don’t know how the world works.

  4. Why isn’t this upstanding American Elmer Bowman filing a compliant about scumbag Trump funneling $130,000 thru Cohen to pay off his pornstar affair partner a week before a federal election?

  5. This is why we needed Rachel Reddick to knock out brother Brian. SHE had the integrity and profile to take him on. Wallace is nothing more than a wannabe Bernie Sanders rich boy who doesn’t know jack about Bucks County. Bet the Republicans are really happy he’s the one going up against Fitzpatrick.

  6. Wallace is a FAR LEFT Politico with
    Extreme left wing views including A dubious past of tolerating in the opinion of many
    anti Semetic and anti Israel views of group that is repugnant. PA will reject this left wing extremist- his money and him

  7. Well when you have Eric Nagy running you’re campaign you might as well burry yourself or pour gasoline on yourself…

    1. At least he’s not an overweight, unemployed virgin like Charlie O’Neill…..

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