Tom Marino, the Republican incumbent in the 10th congressional district, released his first television ad today.
The thirty-second spot, titled “Tough”, features Rep. Marino talking directly to the camera. He says that when he took office, he made a promise not only to his constituents, but also his family, to make their lives better.
Marino also mentions the “lack of leadership from Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi”, and uses footage from when Pelosi accosted him on the House floor after he told her to “do the research”.
“The kind of toughness I bring to the table has increased bipartisan support for legislation I have introduced and passed,” Marino said upon release of the ad. “It is getting down to business and working with colleagues on behalf of people, not ourselves. That is toughness Washington could use more of.”
The ad concludes with Marino stating, “I’m Tom Marino. I approve this message because we need toughness from our leaders.”
Marino is currently running against Democratic nominee Scott Brion and independent candidate Nick Troiano.
4 Responses
One of the first things that a tough guy does is call himself a tough guy. I have always heard he was a total wimp.
Check out Marino running away from a constituent:
Tough? Yeah right!
Marino’s campaign manager is operating under an alias. His name is Ryan O’Barto not Ryan Barton. Why does it matter? Ask former congressional candidate Ward Vaughn whose ejection imploded after Ryan O’Barto/Barton both plagiarized from other candidates and lied about endorsements. Ryan lied about his own credentials saying he worked for Meehan and Spector when both denied ever hiring him. Vaughn fired Ryan but it was too late, damage had already been done and he got crushed by the Democrat. Ryan has been living under an assumed identity ever since. Ryan has a history of burning candidates and the GOP. You’d think Marino would do a better job screening his future employees.
One of the greatest nicknames of all time – Casino Marino! Remember Louie DeNaples!