PA-13: Boyle Announces “Blue Collar Caucus”

brendan-boyle-2013The loss of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin cost Democrats the White House this year.

As a result, the lesson many have taken from that is the party needs to reach out more to blue collar workers.

In that vein, Congressman Brendan Boyle announced today the founding of the “Blue Collar Caucus” alongside Texas Democrat Marc Veasey.

Boyle’s 13th District represents Northeast Philadelphia and Southern Montgomery County while Veasey’s 33rd District in Texas contains parts of Dallas and Fort Worth.

“Too many Americans think the best days for their families are behind them. And they’ve lost faith in their elected leaders to stand up for their best interests, protect their rights, and promote their prosperity. We can and must do better,” Rep. Boyle stated. “The America I grew up in – and the one I still see today – is a forward-looking nation built by blue collar workers of all colors, crafts, and creeds. These workers literally built our nation. Now it is our duty in Washington to rebuild their trust in government by working for them.”

“Every hardworking American should have the economic security to provide for their families. Congress has the responsibility to enact policies that ensure an equal opportunity for all American workers to climb the ladder of success,” Congressman Veasey said. “Through my monthly ‘Marc Means Business’ initiative where I work alongside constituents in both large and small businesses, I’ve learned that Americans want real action to create jobs, raise wages, and ensure that they can improve the quality of life for their families and for future generations. Our caucus will focus on exactly that.”

They provided the following description on the goals of the caucus:

The Blue Collar Caucus will foster member discussion and legislative ideas focused on addressing wage stagnation, job insecurity, trade, offshoring, and dwindling career opportunities for those in the manufacturing and building trades. The caucus will focus on bringing together a diverse array of Democratic members of the House of Representatives to generate solutions that will protect American workers from globalized competition, maintain the viability of domestic manufacturing, and help to cultivate innovative industries that can provide stable employment amid rapid technological advancement.

23 Responses

  1. Naughty list
    Doc-going to jail
    Brendan-being watched
    Kevin-being watched
    Seth-making deals to stay out of jail and sending the Boyles to jail. Follow the money and the Section 8 housing

  2. I know Pelosi rubs some people the wrong way, but suggesting that she can’t speak for working people just because she’s rich is a weak argument. How well did that work for us on Nov. 8?

  3. So why did “Blue Collar Brendan” vote for a Multi-millionaire chardonnay sipping San Francisco lib for leader????

  4. I’m innocent. The Boyles are the thieves. Looks like the staffers are defending the Boyles again. We were told to defend the negative comments. Losers

  5. United we bargain; divided we beg. If people are going to scream for the halcyon days of the pre-globalization economy, they should remember that labor union membership peaked in the 1950s and workers’ raw deal since has only gotten worse as membership has declined. Don’t mourn — organize!

  6. The poster named “FBI Raid” is clearly the best speller in the retard olympics.

    Everyone here should ask themselves what the real problem is. We all know it’s bitter former campaign managers and his bartender lackluster candidate that lost a state house battle.

  7. Pelosi back in control of the party shows they learned nothing from this election. Worse, the Democrats are going to pick Ellison as head of the DNC. The man is an apologist for Farrakhan, a long time foe of Israel, who recently as 2014 voted against the Iron Dome program joining only 7 others in the entire House. If this is what the Dems think America wants, they need a few more election defeats to wake up. The old base of the Dem party, working class Americans, are leaving the party in droves.

  8. Boy such high minded mudslinging. What purpose does the comments section of this site ever serve other than being a forum for political basement dwellers with axes to grind from hurling smack? If I want a bunch of crap with my news I’ll stick my head in a toilet.

  9. Such mean-spirited comments! Why not give him the benefit of the doubt? It appears that he sees how the Dems lost their blue collar base and is trying to help the House Dems relate to that voting group.

  10. The Boyle’s (Kevin & Brendan—both) are good friends with scam-artist Seth Kaplan (Google that name and add “theft”). This clown scammed the Somerton Civic Association’s “Flag Fund” out of at least $19,000 (both the fund and business). The guy (Seth Kaplan) is a very arrogant punk. He’s the proverbial “judgmental kind of punk” that called up “Daddy” when he was arrested (for the “Flag-Scam”) in order to get him out of trouble. FYI: Seth Kaplan worked for both of the Brothers!

  11. Can’t wait until the FBI is raiding the Boyles. It’s only a matter of time. Corruption all around them. Look how much Doc has dumped into both Brothers to start his own wars in the Northeast. Look at there ExChief of Staff Seth Kaplan stealing money from the community. Look at the Section 8 housing the Boyle brothers own. They made themselves millionaires off of the community. Follow the money. Normal State Representatives don’t pay there houses off in 5 years. There Thieves

  12. At Harvard we had a blue collar caucus for those whose parents were making less than 500k a year. Although, Boyle wasn’t invited because his brother tried to beat people up at the Holiday party after having one beer.

  13. Boyle: “See, I’m wearing a blue shirt in my headshot. I know what I’m talking about. Nevermind the fact that I’ve been working in government since graduation.”

  14. This is so patronizing I almost think it’s satire. Come on! The democrats in the house just reelected Nancy Pelosi as their leader. They’ve learned nothing from this election, nothing. The leadership of the Democratic Party deserted the working class a long time ago.

  15. The ideas and philosophy and policy objectives of the Democratic Party are perfectly fine.

    What they need are better CANDIDATES.

  16. Will the caucus actually have blue collar workers or will they be college to non-profit to state house technocrats?

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