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PA-6: Parrish Announces Endorsements From Democratic Leaders

ParrishToday Mike Parrish, Democratic candidate for PA-6, announced the support of several current and former elected and party officials.

These endorsements are in addition to Parrish’s victories at the Democratic Committee meetings in Chester and Montgomery Counties last week, when he won their endorsements with overwhelming majorities.

“I am honored to have the support of not only the Chester and Montgomery County Democratic Parties, but also these leaders in our community,” Parrish said. “They know that I am the candidate with the real world experience and the credibility to win in November. I am humbled by the faith they have placed in me with their endorsements. “

“Congressman Ryan Costello has quickly become part of the problem in Washington,” he added. “He voted to cut funding for Planned Parenthood and to slash Medicare for seniors. If we want to fix what is broken in our government, we have to replace career politicians, like Congressman Costello, and elect those who want to serve. As an Army veteran, I know that real leadership is about service. As our Congressman, I will lead in Washington and serve our community.”

The full list of supporters is included below:

Current and Former Elected Officials

Gov. Ed Rendell

Sen. Andy Dinniman

Sen. Vincent Hughes

Sen. Daylin Leach

State Rep. Tim Briggs

State Rep. Madeleine Dean

State Rep. Mary Jo Daley

State Rep. Steve McCarter

State Rep. Mark Rozzi

Chester County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone

Montgomery County Commissioner Josh Shapiro

Malvern Mayor David Burton

Downingtown Mayor Josh Maxwell

Phoenixville Mayor Mike Speck

Pottstown Borough Council President Dan Weand

Lebanon City Council President Wiley P. Parker, Esq.

Lebanon City Council Member Cornell Wilson

Former Congressman Joe Hoeffel

Former State Rep. Paul Drucker

Former State Rep. and Former Congressional Candidate in the 16th District, Tom Houghton

Former State Rep. Barbara McIlvaine-Smith

Former State Rep. Mark Painter

Former Lebanon City Mayor Jackie Parker

Former Phoenixville Mayor Leo Scoda

Former Congressional Candidate for the 6th District Bob Roggio

Current and Former Party Officials

Joe Foster, Montgomery County Democratic Committee Chair

Brian McGinnis, Chester County Democratic Committee Chair

Tom Herman, Former Berks County Democratic Committee Chair

Chris Tarsa, Former Lebanon County Democratic Committee Chair

Michele Vaughn, Former Chester County Democratic Committee Chair

Lani Frank, PA State Democratic Committee Progressive Caucus Chair and Chester County Democratic Committee Vice Chair

Alan Kennedy-Shaffer, PA State Democratic Committee Veterans Caucus Chair

The Sixth Congressional District consists of parts of Chester, Montgomery, Berks and Lebanon Counties.

18 Responses

  1. True Believer-

    AKS shot himself in the foot by notarizing his own petitions. His opponents didn’t even have to check his signatures. It’s hard to take a guy like that too seriously.

    I don’t mind that he’s a gadfly (I am too), but I’m on the outside, not running for offices and having to get along with anyone.

  2. Senator Rutherford blah blah — You’re awfully cocky for someone who knows nothing of which he speaks.

    To the rest of you know-it-alls– Lindy Li switched districts long before any of Parrish’s endorsements came in.

  3. David Diano – Don’t be jealous of the “heartthrob.” AKS is on the Harrisburg School Board and was the top non-incumbent vote-getter for State Committee. Your boy Brad Koplinski lost re-election as a two-term I councilman, not an easy thing to do. AKS endorsed Rendell, Obama, Wolf. Who did you endorse?

  4. Same thing with Hartman in Pitt’s district, who got out early and, in retrospect, people are re-thinking their endorsement of Hartman. But, taking back an endorsement is embarrassing. Democrat, Dr. Gary Wegman is becoming known. He will be getting the endorsement of the people of Pitt’s district…..BTW–when are these state reps going to vet candidates and stop endorsing willy-nilly. Maybe they need to not endorse at all. Anyway, who the hell cares if Mayor so and so endorsed. What has this wonderful Mayor done in his/her city so far. Not a damn thing.

  5. It’s Over-

    I’m doing fine without any help from AKS.

    Parrish should keep AKS away from his petitions.


    Since these endorsements are being printed now, any of them could have pulled out long before this announcement. Lindy switched right before New Year.

    If AKS wants to switch to Lindy, that would probably help Parrish more.


    The district has 25k more R’s than D’s. It’s unlikely that any recent Dem nominee had much of a chance.


    LOL. But, Wolf should hold out until petitions are correctly submitted before conceding.

  6. Now that Alan Kennedy-Shaffer has endorsed, I’m sure Parrish will lose. He hasn’t been right about anything since…well, never.

    If each of these people gave Parrish $500 it would double his fundraising to date.

  7. Has Alan Kennedy Shaffer informed Governor Wolf yet that he will be challenging him in the 2018 primary? He should let Wolf now so the Gov can gracefully bow out to the hero we all need.

  8. This race is over, the worlds greatest gadfly and heartthrob Alan Kennedy Shaffer has endorsed Mike Parrish. This is worth at least $250,000. His next target will be David Diano.

  9. The last two times a candidate got the endorsement from these county parties before the primary they went on to lose the general election badly. Maybe the party hacks at county level need to clam up and let the people pick their own candidate in an open primary for a change.

  10. That’s a pretty impressive list considering that Parrish has like $5 to his name.

    I wonder if these people all made endorsements before Li declared for the 6th.

  11. What about the many donations Parrish has made recently to the Democratic Party and to Governor Wolf? His paltry donations to the Repubs were contributed years ago. He has seen the light, and you know what they say about Republicans turned Dems? They’re the best Democrats!

  12. So, is the Fracker’s Puppet still in the race? I live in the district and haven’t heard a peep from him. I guess that “real world experience” doesn’t include communication skills…

  13. The guy has $27,000 COH for his “Congressional campaign” and has donated thousands of dollars to Corbett, McCain, and Romney in the past few years.

  14. Well, the nice thing about having a printed list like this is that Lindy can’t pretend that any of these people support her.

    When she was running in the 7th, at one point she actually told Rendell that Mary Ellen (her opponent) was supporting/endorsing her.

  15. MISSING FROM THIS LIST: anyone willing to write check. Lindy is gonna mop the floor with this DINO and his empty coffers.

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