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PA-6: Q3: Costello Raises $510K, Currently Sits on $725K

Costello-AdThe Costello campaign unveiled their third quarter fundraising totals today.

According to their press release, they raised over $510,000 from July 1st to September 30th and currently have more than $725,000 cash on hand.

This is down a bit from Costello’s second quarters totals although that is to be expected after three months of intense campaigning.

The campaign is also claiming that 73% of their contributions this year have come from Pennsylvania.

“I appreciate the tremendous support I have received from local residents who believe we need to end the partisan gridlock in Washington and get our country back on the right track,” said Costello, who currently serves as Chairman of the Chester County Board of Commissioners. “It’s time for Congress to work in a bipartisan manner to tackle the tough issues facing our nation such as improving economic growth and job creation, addressing the federal budget deficit and our looming national debt, and fixing Obamacare.”

Costello is running against Democratic nominee and Iraq War veteran Manan Trivedi. We will have a more in-depth analysis of both candidates FEC reports later this week.

3 Responses

  1. costello doesn’t seem well informed on obamacare. everything he says he wants to replace it with is already in it.

  2. Diverse support for Costello from NEA, PSEA, Fraternal Order of Police, Chambers of Commerce, etc

  3. Sold! To the Highest Bidder – the NRA. By “from PA” what he really means is from the NRA’s PA bank branch.

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