Pennsylvania’s Sixth Congressional District is one of the few competitive seats in the Keystone State.
At least it’s supposed to be.
You wouldn’t know it by looking at Democratic candidate Mike Parrish’s third quarter fundraising report. Parrish raised just $28,918 from July 1st to September 30th.
To put that in perspective, during the second quarter Parrish raised $45,599 despite being in the race for only a few weeks.
Furthermore, he managed to spend over $48,000 this quarter, leaving him with just $26,445 cash on hand.
In comparison, incumbent GOP Congressman Ryan Costello raised $251,000 (or nearly ten times what his Democratic opponent brought in) in the third quarter. Rep. Costello also currently has $739,243 cash on hand.
While the DCCC has yet to back Parrish, they did support him when he briefly ran in 2014. Former Governor Ed Rendell also endorsed Parrish and his only primary opponent dropped out.
The Cook Political Report rates the seat R+2. It is currently considered “Likely Republican”.
PA’s 6th district consists of parts of Berks, Chester, Lebanon and Montgomery Counties.
9 Responses
He should have stuck it out against Trivedi the last time because the support will still be luke warm in some places due to his background. Berks County has been thoroughly emasculated by the reapportionmant of the whole City of Reading into the 16th. McGinty in Reading Friday night.
Probably. Sestak certainly didn’t come anywhere near McGinty.
He’s touting the recent poll that shows him losing to Toomey by a little less than the other candidates like it’s a victory. He’s also “bragging” that 49% “heard” about his 422 mile walk. Of course, pretty much all of them thought it was a stupid stunt.
He won’t be able to hide his weak fundraising much longer.
As for Parrish, this fundraising report is likely to invite a challenger.
What a maroon.
Hey Diano: Still no numbers from Sestak. Must be quite dismal.
“I was invented in a laboratory to act as the bane of your existence” – David Diano to everyone
PA-6 might still end up being competitive, but Parrish is done. In order to run a competitive campaign at the end, the rule of thumb is to keep your “burn rate”–i.e. what you spend versus what you raised–under 30%. Parrish’s is currently around 200%. No big institutional donor–i.e. the kind you need to be competitive–is going to give him money now. Nor should they.
I guess after three cycles of amateur hour in PA-6, we’re looking at another one in 2016.
Diano: “Remain calm! All is well!”
When you don’t have a primary challenger, you can get away with this for a while. Some 2016 congressional candidates have yet to announce or start fundraising.
I’ve spoken to a few who are waiting until after the Nov elections to start, because they don’t want to distract from the 2015 races/candidates.
But Parrish is going to have to step it up this quarter, or someone with good fundraising could jump in as a more viable candidate.
It’s still early.
Who is running this mans campaign? That’s a pathetic showing.