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PA-8: Fitzpatrick Tackles Heroin Epidemic in New Ad (VIDEO)

Brian Fitzpatrick’s new commercial focuses on the rising use of heroin in rural, white communities.

The thirty-second spot, titled “Fastball”, begins with the candidate sitting in the stands of a Little League field.

“As a kid, my biggest fear was the high inside fastball,” he began. “Today, kids and their parents have to worry about dying from a heroin overdose.”

Fitzpatrick goes on to tout his experience as an FBI agent and federal prosecutor.

“We need tougher sentences for heroin dealers, more funding for drug education and more funding for treatment for addicts,” he concludes. “And we need it right now.”

The GOP nominee is running against Democratic nominee State Rep. Steve Santarsiero in the November 8th general election.

The 8th Congressional District represents all of Bucks County as well as parts of upper Montgomery County.

8 Responses

  1. If Washington isn’t doing enough, the blame falls at the feet of Brian’s brother, the incumbent Congressman.

  2. haha. What is with this ad? Subtext (white people use heroine now) going to thoroughly enjoy voting against carpet bagger fitz

  3. Great ad. Game over. Stevie boy should start game planning his 2018 State House campaign. Maybe Tommy Tomlinson will retire??

  4. And don’t forget, his brother is the present Congressman, so let’s all keep it in the family.

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