Scott Petri was supposed to be the Republican successor to Mike Fitzpatrick in PA-8.
The only problem? He was replaced by a more natural choice, the Congressman’s younger brother Brian.
Last night, while the nation’s eyes were focused on Iowa, Petri announced that he is dropping out.
“Today, after much consideration with my wife Ellen and son Drew, I’m announcing that I am no longer a candidate for Congress this year,” Petri wrote on his campaign’s Facebook page. “In order for us to be successful in November, it is important that we have a strong and unified party. It was clear to me that the primary election was shaping up to be one that would have divided, not unified our party.”
The State Representative also stated that he will instead run for re-election in the 178th district.
Before yesterday Petri was running a strong campaign. He secured several endorsements, was a good fundraiser and even got himself on the NRCC’s radar.
The sudden entry of Brian Fitzpatrick, however, changed everything. The ground shifted in his direction and the popularity of the Fitzpatrick name in Bucks made victory difficult to envision.
The ex-FBI man turned politician still has to face former Bucks County Commissioner Andrew Warren and former Bucks County Assistant DA Dean Malik in the April 26th primary. Nevertheless, Petri’s decision makes this Fitzpatrick’s race to win or lose.
The 8th Congressional District consists of all of Bucks County as well as part of upper Montgomery County.
11 Responses
I’m not sad to see Petri go, since his campaign was based on a sense of entitlement, that it was “his turn.” That doesn’t really matter anymore at this point. It also doesn’t matter that Fitzpatrick is originally from Bucks County; what matters is where he’s been for the last 14 years (hint: not Bucks County). I’m sure the Democrats will be quick to point this out to voters, like the Republicans did with Strouse in 2014. The only reason Fitzpatrick is here now is his last name. There are several viable candidates who had announced before Pat Poprik and Mike Fitzpatrick carted Brian here from California. It’s disheartening to think that the party wants to establish a dynasty (because we need more of those). Too bad the Fitzpatrick name has become so tarnished in recent years, otherwise it just might work.
It bothers me that Brian Fitzpatrick came out of nowhere, slammed his you-know-what on the table and is running for office. My hope is that he crumbles. It’s probably only a matter of time until they find some dirt on him
Sometimes being the adult in the room is hazardous to your health. Petri showed that he’s the adult in the Bucks County Republican party and Fitzpatrick is the crying child. Of course, everyone already knew that. I wonder what Fitz had to give up in order to get Petri to drop out…
Brian Fitzpatrick has an impressive resume. I had the opportunity the other night to speak to Brian Fitzpatrick and he is the genuine article and truly knows the 8th Congressional District and the issues we care about.
I spent an hour chatting with him, and I found him to be authentic and knowledgeable; he truly sacrificed his immediate future for party-unity but, one hopes, he’ll be “next in line” when an opportunity might arise.
rob petri aint dropped out he said it was misteak and he gonna run for congrs after all said it today at speach in harisbirg,
Good news. Petri was very vulnerable with his long voting record. Fitzpatrick cruises. Carpetbagger?? Born and raised in district (unlike both Dem candidates). Gets transferred as a result of his service to the country and moves back. What’s the issue?? I understand why BucksVoter and all his Lib Dem buddies are all pissed off. Better luck 8 years from now…
Is the carpetbagging Californian really that scary? Granted, I was never truly impressed with Petri’s campaign. But he’s an incumbent state rep who has raised over $300K and was on the NRCC’s radar. And Brother Brian scared you off? Pathetic.
Crazy to me that Petri raised $300k and decided to drop out. I guess the question will be whether he keeps that in a federal account of gives it all to his state account.
He can donate 100% of that money to a state account, but he wouldn’t be able to flip it back.
rob petri aint never shoulda droped outta running may be he will runn again ,
As I wrote earlier, Brother Brian must DEMONSTRATE how he will differentiate himself from Mike “No Labels” Fitzpatrick.