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PA-8: Warren to Run in 2016

PA-8Former Bucks County Commissioner Andy Warren is running for Congress in 2016…and only in 2016.

According to Amanda Kuehnle of Levittown Now, Warren pledged in his announcement not to start campaigning until the 2015 elections are over.

“2015 will see no ‘Warren for Congress’ office grand opening, no bumper stickers, no yard signs,” Warren said at his announcement. “It has long been my belief we conduct one election at a time.”

Warren served as a Republican on the County Commissioners board in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

In 2006, he ran for the Eighth District seat but as a Democrat. He lost to eventual Congressman Patrick Murphy. He tried to get elected back to the Board of Commissioners the next year as a Democrat but fell short.

Since then, Warren has apparently reverted back to the GOP.

“I will always serve as a congressional representative from Bucks County who happens to be a member of the Republican caucus – and not a member of the Republican caucus who happens to be from Bucks County,” he declared.

State Rep. Scott Petri and 2008 Republican nominee Tom Manion are already circling the race, making for a potentially crowded GOP primary.

Meanwhile, State Rep. Steve Santarsiero and 2014 candidate Shaughnessy Naughton are prepping for a fight in the Democratic primary.

Congressman Fitzpatrick has represented the 8th Congressional District since 2011 and before that from 2005 to 2007 (Rep. Murphy served in between).

The Eighth District consists of all of Bucks County as well as part of upper Montgomery County.

3 Responses

  1. What’s his slogan?

    Warren: Come hell or high water, I’m getting to Congress somehow…

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