PA-9: NRLC Endorses Shuster in GOP Primary

Bill-ShusterPro-life advocacy group The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) announced Thursday they will be supporting Congressman Bill Shuster in his bid for re-election in April.

In their endorsement, the NRLC cited Shuster’s voting record on pro-life issues such as the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act and Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act as well as his membership in Precious Life of Blair County.

“All voters who are concerned with the right to life and with the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family should vote to return you to Congress, so that you can continue to work to advance vital pro-life public policies,” NRLC leaders wrote in a letter to Congressman Shuster.

“Fighting for the right to life has always been a priority for me and I was pleased that pro-life leaders decided I am the best candidate in this race to fight for pro-life values,” said Shuster. “We need steadfast leadership on these issues in Congress, including a full repeal of Obamacare, which allows federal subsidies to cover abortions.”

Shuster will be facing stiff competition in April from primary challenger Art Halvorson who recently called for Shuster’s resignation as Chair of the House Transportation Committee following accusations of fraud.

The 9th Congressional District encompasses all of Indiana, Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford, Somerset, Fayette, Green, and Washington Counties.  

7 Responses

  1. In grade school, Art must have recieved an “F” for getting along with others. Because, Art has stated he would have no problem with shutting down the government. Imagine folks what all that would intell… no services, no work, no pay etc. At least Bill has enough commonsense to work bipartisan.

  2. I almost forgot to mention that Halvorson accuses Bill of fraud. But it was Art’s campaign that committed fraud by turning in fraudulent petitions.
    Plus what happened to the poll that claimed Shuster was at 13%. Or Art’s endorsement of Cruz during Iowa Caucus. It appears Art’s right hand does not know what his left hand is doing.

  3. Bill is 100% Prolife and now here come the negative Halvorson folks who are going to discredit National Right to Life. I will be happy when this all over and Bill is reelected to serve the 9th District. Fact 100% Prolife but he dates and doesn’t shut down the government. Keep on fighting Bill!

  4. If you listen closely you can actually hear Halvorson supporters heads exploding.

    “But…but…Bill Shuster went on a date with a girl.”

    Art has nothing on Shuster’s voting record, just a bunch of trumped up nonsense about his social life. It’s likely more suppressed jealousy than anything else.

  5. NRLC claims to be a morality lobby while endorsing Rep who dates a lobbyist for the industry he regulates.

  6. RINOs. Everyone is a RINO. Everywhere. It’s a RINO conspiracy. I mean the guy votes way pro-life, but it’s RINOs to the left of us, and RINOs to the right. (*This message was brought to you to save at least half the commenters time)

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