PA-9: Shuster Applauds Trump-Ryan Meeting (VIDEO)

Congressman Bill Shuster said on CNN that he believes his party is moving towards unity, applauding the meeting between presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

Shuster echoed the point made in a joint statement released by Trump and Ryan that the top priority for all Republicans in November is beating Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Nonetheless, there have been rising tensions between members of the Republican establishment and Trump over the latter’s commitment to conservatism and his rhetoric. Speaker Ryan still has not officially endorsed Trump even after the meeting.

CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield asked Rep. Shuster to assess the meeting and what it means for the November election.

“I think this is a very positive first step,” the Congressman stated. “This is gonna be important as we move forward and I have no doubt in my find that this is going to be a tough general election.”

He went on to say that he believes the New Yorker can win Pennsylvania and its 20 electoral votes. Banfield then asked Shuster, who threw his support behind Trump last month, about his colleague Pat Toomey’s concerns about Trump.

“This has to be a big tent party and it is,” Bill Shuster responded. “We do have differing views in our party but we do have core beliefs. At the end of the day I think we’ll be united, we’ll have to be united.”

Despite Rep. Shuster’s comments, PA Republicans remain split on the issue as six of the thirteen GOP Congressmen have endorsed Trump while the other seven have not commented or refused to answer the question.

With a recent poll showing a potential Trump-Clinton matchup effectively tied in Pennsylvania, how united the GOP is could make or break the race here. Trump has taken the first step to unite the fractured party, it remains to be seen whether he can seal the deal with the rest of the GOP Establishment.

4 Responses

  1. And for the good of the airline industry that his gf works for and that he is supposedly regulating, Shuster applauds Trump, who rides in an unlicensed airplane which he owns.

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