PA-BGT: Is Harrisburg Running Out of Money?

pa-state-capitol-b175d9a07740ecf3We’ve now reached “Day 23” without a budget, and as you would expect, it’s beginning to become difficult to pay for things.

That includes the state legislature, which has staff salaries to dole out and bills to pay.

Employees in the executive branch aren’t subject to this reality thanks to a 2009 PA Supreme Court decision.

Currently, all the caucuses (GOP Senate, GOP House, Dem Senate, Dem House) are using reserve cash but the question remains: when will that money run out?

Those reserves were cut by Governor Corbett last year, though, and recent changes caused caucus funds to be distributed by size rather than uniformly.

Therefore, the Democratic caucuses stands at a disadvantage.

Earlier this month, House Democratic spokesman Bill Patton told Kate Giammarise of the Post-Gazette that they’ll be “fine through the summer.”

Nevertheless, talk persists that funds are running low. With no agreement in sight this reality could become a major prod to produce results.

One Response

  1. Someone should ask GOP caucus why they loaned money to Dem caucus to keep them afloat through summer…

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