HARRISBURG– The Republican Party of Pennsylvania (PA GOP) is pleased to release the names of the Republicans who will be serving as conferees to nominate a Republican candidate to run in the upcoming election in the 45th State Senatorial District.
The conferee meeting will be held on Friday, September 10th, 2010 at 9:00 am at the Holiday Inn Monroeville, 2750 Mosside Boulevard, Monroeville, PA 15146.
Due to the fact that this Senatorial District is made up of more than one county, PA GOP Bylaws dictate that the State Party preside over the conferee meeting. Each of the counties that comprise the 45th Senatorial District, which includes parts of Allegheny and Westmoreland counties, will be represented by their respective number of allotted conferees based on the electoral results of the 2008 presidential election. Conferees are registered Republican electors that reside in the 45th Senatorial District. County Party Bylaws dictated the counties’ conferee selection processes.
There are 50 total conferees who will be participating in the meeting. Each county is allotted the following number of conferees:
Allegheny County – 39
Westmoreland County – 11
Click here to view a full list of the 50 conferees. Names are sorted alphabetically by county.
Any registered Republican, 25 years or older, and who resides in the 45th Senatorial District may seek the Party’s nomination. They are asked to notify the State Chairman in writing so that we can ensure that every interested candidate is included in the process. Interested candidates must send a letter of intent no later than Wednesday, September 8th, 2010. The letter of intent should include the candidate’s name and address and be mailed to:
Republican Party of Pennsylvania
Attn: Mike Downing
112 State Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Interested candidates may also email the letter of intent to Mike Downing by calling 717-234-4901, ext. 151 or emailingmdowning@pagop.org.
During the conferee meeting, each candidate will have the opportunity to make a short presentation and take questions from conferees. After every candidate has had an opportunity to address the conferees, the conferees will vote to nominate a candidate to fill our Party’s position on the ballot. A nominated candidate must a majority plus one of the votes cast to earn the nomination. No proxies will be permitted at this meeting, and only conferees will be permitted to vote.