PA GOP Announces New Staff

pagopThe PA GOP’s senior staff under Chairman Val DiGiorgio is beginning to take shape.  The Party’s new Executive Director is Rob Brooks, Communications Director Greg Manz, and Finance Director Laura Wagoner.

“I’m thrilled to have Rob, Laura, and Greg join our team. Their experience, professionalism, and dedication to our Party will be an immediate asset in  achieving our mission of electing Republicans throughout the Commonwealth,” DiGiorgio said.  

The Party will try to capitalize off Donald Trump’s success in the state to win the Governor and U.S. Senate race in 2018 against incumbent Democrats.  It also has the seven statewide judicial races in 2017 to focus on.  

Brooks is a former consultant who focused on campaign strategy, grassroots, and advertising for campaigns at all levels of government.  He served as Executive Director of the Chester County GOP for six years.  

Manz is formerly the Communications Director of Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania campaign.  Before that, he spent time as the Deputy Director of Carson for Iowa during the 2016 Presidential campaign.  He worked for the Pennsylvania House Republican Campaign Committee during the 2012 and 2014 campaign cycles in Chester and Delaware counties.

Wagoner was the Chester County GOP’s Executive Director prior to her position with the PA GOP.  While in that role, she led the county Party’s fundraising efforts.  Wagoner is also the National Committeewoman for the Young Republicans.  

There has been no announcement of changes to any other senior staffers at the Party during the transition.

Disclosure: The author formerly worked for the Pa. Republican Party.

12 Responses

  1. And the Trumpification of the Republican Party continues. The Republican Party, having long forsaken the legacy of its greats like Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, is today the party of Donald J. Trump.

  2. Funny how @Bono is criticizing Chester County’s Trump loss when the new Coms Director was the PA TRUMP Coms guy… who isn’t from Chester County.

  3. Didn’t PoliticsPA just run a story (now apparently scrubbed from the website) saying Greg Manz was hired by Scott Perry??????????? maybe someone can give us an explanation as to what the heck happened here.

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