PA-Gov: Corbett Releases Radio Attack Ad

Tom-Corbett-portrait-lores“There’s liberal, there’s extremely liberal, and then there’s Allyson Schwartz,” starts Governor Tom Corbett’s most recent radio ad.

“And Wolf was a job killing bureaucrat,” the voice adds later on.

The Corbett and Jim Cawley slate today unveiled “Twice as Bad,” an audio attack on Congresswoman Schwartz and businessman Tom Wolf.

The ad rebukes Schwartz for her support of Obamacare and her pro-gun control stance.

“Schwartz has voted with Obama’s liberal agenda almost unanimously. Schwartz even helped write disastrous Obamacare. And Schwartz is so extreme on gun control, the NRA graded her an F,” the ad says.

As for Wolf, the ad discusses his past as Pa’s former Revenue Secretary — or, as the ad puts it, “the top tax collector.”

“On Wolf’s watch, taxes were high, killing 100,000 PA jobs and our unemployment went up almost 50%.

“But the real insult? Wolf is a millionaire, but he fought to increase taxes on average Pennsylvanians including higher taxes on home heating and the sales tax.”

The ad playfully changes Wolf’s slogan from “A Fresh Start for Pennsylvania” to “Tom Wolf: High taxes, Fewer Jobs.”

Corbett’s campaign manager, Mike Barley, said that the ad gives voters pertinent information regarding two of more formidable Democratic candidates in the race.

“Pennsylvania voters need to know the truth about extreme liberal Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz and millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf,” Barley said.  “Our ad shines a light on the soft spot Congresswoman Schwartz has for the liberal President Barack Obama agenda and millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf’s desire to hike taxes on middle class Pennsylvania families.”

The ad is further evidence that Corbett is bypassing the primary and focusing solely on the tough general election that is soon to come.

8 Responses

  1. The ‘libs’ can’t handle anything Corbett says. Reason for that is because the Obama libs simply hate anyone who does not think in a deranged manner. This also goes for the RINO repubs such as certain state senators who claim to be conservative.

  2. The phrase “…disastrous Obamacare” is about a year out of date. Obamacare is now working and hugely popular, so much so that all the Democrats are rushing to claim a piece of it. Corbett, as usual, is blithely unaware that the narrative has changed completely. Another reason he’ll lose big.

  3. Do these ads require disclosure of who is paying for them? I heard this ad several times on KYW in Philly this morning with no disclosure of which campaign or entity funded them.

  4. Corbett-Cawley needs an independent voice out there saying this stuff.

  5. The Republican Party has no dignity left at the local, state or national level. They scream about “job creators” and then launch low blow attacks at the actual job creators!

  6. Corbett – Just another idiot that doesn’t understand how government works. Tax collectors don’t set tax rates! I’m sure Corbett’s brain dead supporters won’t get that distinction either.

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