Governor Tom Corbett launched a new ad that attacks Democrats for attacking each other.
It’s an unflattering spot for three of the Democrats running for governor: Rob McCord, Tom Wolf and Allyson Schwartz. The fourth candidate, Katie McGinty, has remained out of the infighting and was thus spared from a place in this ad.
“The Democrat fight for governor is getting ugly,” a woman says before listing the attacks so far launched in the primary. “McCord attacks Wolf for sending jobs to Indiana. Wolf attacks McCord for sending US jobs out of the country and Schwartz hits Wolf for not supporting gender equality.”
Interestingly, the bombshell ad that McCord ran against Wolf, attempting to portray him as tolerant of racism is not featured. McCord earned a lot of flak for that commercial and it was, by far, the harshest ad run during the primary. The Corbett ad also stays away from a well-produced attack ad by the Schwartz campaign that questioned Wolf’s treatment of his employees after he retired and the company went belly-up.
It also chooses not to focus on tearing down one specific candidate, instead opting to hit three at once. Corbett’s earlier ads focused on Schwartz, and of late, have focused primarily on Wolf.
During the ad, after the litany of Democratic spats is given over video footage of boxers getting ready to fight and screenshots of citations for each of the claims, the music begins to soar and the voice lifts.
“Corbett is also fighting – for Pennsylvania jobs and it’s a fight he’s winning,” she reads, and then reviews the massive decreases in unemployment during Corbett’s tenure in office.
5 Responses
“The Democrat fight for governor is getting ugly,” says the half-sneering, half-smiling, semi-literate Corbett spokesgirl.
Couple things: first, the correct term is “democratic.” Whenever I hear Rs refer to the Democratic Party as the “Democrat Party,” or otherwise use a noun where an adjective is called for, I know that the speaker missed that part of grade school grammar which teaches the difference between nouns and adjectives, also known as 4th grade. Either that, or the speaker is deliberately being petty and juvenile. Either way, loser.
And second, every time I see that sorry, deliberately illiterate Corbett ad, I smile, because I know that while Corbett’s intention with these ads was to sew dissension among the Democratic ranks, the actual effect of the ads is to remind Democrats that, while we may have our differences, what we and the rest of the Commonwealth have in common is a deep and abiding disdain for Mr. and Mrs. Corbett, and their ahole buddies in the O&G industry. In other words, while Tom’s intention was to divide and conquer, the true effect of the ads was in fact the opposite.
Thank you, Tom, for once again failing at your prime objective. At least you are consistent.
Wolf is SO wrong for Pennsylvania. He will be unable to beat Corbett in the general election. McCord is the only person who will be unable to defeat Corbett in the general election. Vote McCord on Tuesday. He is our only chance of getting Corbett out Harrisburg. Vote McCord.
Desperate and Pathetic, While I don’t agree with anything RJD said, he didn’t actually say McCord was going to win. So to assume that he’s not up to date is a little presumptuous….
You’re very up to date on politics, RJD. Stick a fork in McCord, he’s done.,0,1145304.story
“Democrat Tom Wolf retains an all-but-unbeatable 23-point lead over his nearest foe heading into Tuesday’s voting for the state’s next governor, the latest Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll shows. Anything, of course, is possible. But no candidate has come from more than 11 points back in the modern era.”
Rob McCord is the only candidate who can beat Corbett in the general election. He is by far the most qualified candidates running in the democratic primary. Vote McCord on election day.