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PA-Gov: Dwight Evans Appears in Latest Wolf Ad (VIDEO)

It’s fair to say at this point that Tom Wolf’s campaign is going with a saturation strategy when it comes to advertising.

The Wolf campaign, which is being backed with $10 million of the candidate’s own money, has already far outpaced his opponents in ads and videos. The latest spot is a testimonial from State Rep. Dwight Evans (D-Phila.).

Evans has represented the 203rd district for since 1981 and, as a former Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, is one of the most powerful legislators in the city. Evans endorsed Wolf last month and the ad was initially place on YouTube two weeks ago. It made an appearance, however, on MSNBC this afternoon during the premiere of their new show “Ronan Farrow Daily”.

wolf ad evansIn the commercial, Evans briefly recounts his career accomplishments and then testifies to Wolf’s capacity for the state’s highest job.

“I’m backing Tom Wolf for Governor,” Rep. Evans states. “I’ve known Tom for twenty years. He’s the only Democrat that shares my belief in real change. He’s the one I trust to make a difference. Tom Wolf is the real deal and the governor we desperately need.”

The spot is most likely an attempt by the Wolf campaign to build support in voter-rich Philadelphia and its surrounding collar counties. The southeastern part of the state is currently seen as Congresswoman Schwartz’s strongest area and if he could pull away some of her support, it would be a major victory for his campaign.

Other Democrats running for Governor include Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, State Treasurer Rob McCord, former Auditor General Jack Wagner, former DEP Secretaries Katie McGinty and John Hanger, and Lebanon County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz.


14 Responses

  1. I ask people who are signing petitions ” is there any particular candidate that they like” 100% of them said Wolf! Many of them want to meet him. Now I am talking about voters that dont take part in any Dem. party activities at all! This is the first time any have expressed interest in meeting any candidate. I even have republican farmers that want to meet him. The BUZZ is huge every door I knock on!

  2. Is it me, or does something smell funny when a guy puts out a press release touting government reform policies three days before he announces that he’s been endorsed by Dwight Evans?

  3. Since Myers is out, I am putting Jo Ellen Litz on deathwatch. It should only be days now.

  4. dont look like any of the other candidates can hang with wolfs money.he will up his name id in the next poll but people are not gonna change there support this election will be about who has the largest area of support.wagners entry into race crushed mccords and wolf no doubt hurt them smith tried his 10 million against casey that didnt workout so well next poll out schwartz wolf wagner mccord mcginty.and thats how they will finish in may.

  5. Anon:

    There is no such thing as oversaturation. I’ve seen Wolf ads on TV maybe three times, because that’s how saturation advertising works. You get maybe a handful of touches spending a TON of money. We see these ads because we read political blogs. It’s also not as if he’s running these all at saturation point, I suspect. They are (or should be) rotating.

    My guess is this add will run in circulation heavy in areas like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia — ie where there are black people and urban decay.

  6. Jeremy – You bring up a good point. With petitions going on right now Wolf should benefit the most with his ads up. One of the hardest things during petitions is getting people to sign without ever hearing about these folks. The ads should help in this regard and if he has the volunteers he could come in with the most signatures.

  7. Wolf will will the next poll. I was circulating a petition this weekend and every day people were asking me about Wolf. It is still early but he will be ahead.

  8. Schwartz wolf mcginty mccord gonna be tough for the boys this year pa is looking for something different the guys look like the samre old politicians that run every year.

  9. While he has been the only one with ads up, the buys haven’t been too great. That might keep people from getting turned off by them. I’ve seen one or maybe two at most on TV so far. I’m also noticing his web banners/billboards from time to time as well. Any other candidates doing internet advertising yet?

  10. I wonder if over-saturation will become an issue for Wolf with all of these ads? I get it, he’s got millions to spend and instead of throwing spaghetti against a wall to see if it sticks they’re gonna drown us all in spaghetti until we’re sick of it, but how long before it starts to turn people off?

  11. Quite likely though McGinty has been leading McCord in all points so far. Could have changed. I think Schwartz and Wolf will be one and two. Not sure about order though.

  12. When the next poll comes out, what do you think the numbers will show? I’m thinking it will be Wolf, Schwartz, McCord, McGinty, Hanger and Litz in that order. Anyone else care to chime in?

    (Didn’t include Wagner because I don’t think he will be in this upcoming poll. Announced to late for inclusion )

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