Democratic candidate for governor Rob McCord has a new ad that features his wife, Leigh Jackson, touting his credentials as a leader and as a representative of the people.
The ad, entitled “Invisible,” discusses many of things we have heard from previous McCord ads, as well as an emphasis on McCord’s commitment to give the underrepresented a voice — or, as the ad refers to them as, “the invisible.”
“[Rob’s] going to have a conversation with the people who are often invisible,” Jackson says. “He sees them — they are not invisible to him.”
“Invisible” also discusses the themes that McCord has emphasized the most during his campaign: his single mother and the 10% drillers tax.
“As the son of a single mother, Rob absolutely understands the struggles of a lot of people in Pennsylvania,” says Jackson about her husband. “He really understands people who are really trying to get their kids well educated — and that’s why he wants the 10% drillers tax.”
The ad also highlights McCord’s support of Medicaid expansion and fair minimum wage legislation — two huge national issues that are currently advocated by the Democratic party.
All in all, the ad accomplishes what most McCord ads have: it shows the candidate as pro-education, pro-drillers tax, and the son of a single mom.
The remaining Democratic candidates for governor include McCord, Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, former DEP Secretary Katie McGinty, and businessman Tom Wolf.
20 Responses
McCord’s stepbrother exposed the single mom thing as a half-truth and very misleading. McCord’s mother was married until Rob was 4 and re-married when he was 10 or 11 (in 1970 according to her own bio). She was indeed a famous college professor in her own right and not the “public school teacher” McCord claims on his website (unless you go back to 4 years before McCord was even born). This new ad is obviously targeted at winning votes from the African American community in PA. Nearly every shot in the video shows McCord with an African American and, of course, he has his wife as the featured speaker. Nothing wring with courting votes from the various ethnic constituencies in PA….my problem with him is that he is misleading about his background. It creates a trust issue. Its clear McCord will mislead and distort whatever he needs to for a vote. His stepbrother said it best in a heartfelt letter to the editor: “Its about character….a Governor should have some.”
Was it not established Treasurer McCord’s mother was single, not for very long, and well off, as opposed to the image many have of a single mom? And really, being raised by a single mom gets support from….?
McCordlies – As I just stated in another article above this the 14th Ward is the largest in Pittsburgh and what carried Peduto to his win.
They just endorsed McCord. Isn’t that the County Exec’s backyard too? I don’t know I’m not from around there.
You need the people not just the electeds. I’m not sure why these elected dems would go against labor, teachers, activists like Action United, Etc and endorse a candidate with little to no support other than early polls when they did.
If you are with the Wolf campaign maybe you could explain some of this stuff instead of just saying McCord is arrogant. There are an awful lot of people apparently that do not agree with that.
Team Corbett would do well by their guy to prepare mightily for a Corbett vs McCord general election.
The endorsements coming to Team McCord are the kind that should give any statewide office seeker pause. These are real votes, and real bodies on the ground on E-day, both primary and the general. And they’re breaking for McCord at the optimum time for him.
If he wins the primary, the money will follow and the general will be one the key national elections of ’14.
We’ll see if both teams are up for this because…
…..McCord is the nightmare scenario for the GOP.
Just like your candidate, your facts are distorted.
Western Pennsylvania Democratic Leaders endorsed Tom Wolf, including Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto, Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, US Rep. Mike Doyle and Allegheny County Democratic Committee Chair Nancy Mills.
Western PA Elected Officials endorsing Tom Wolf:
U.S. Congressman Mike Doyle
Fmr. U.S. Congressman Ron Klink
Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald
Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto
State Sen. Jim Ferlo
State Senator Jim Brewster
State Senator Wayne Fontana
State Senator Matt Smith
State Representative Jake Wheatley
State Representative Ed Gainey
State Representative Bill Kortz
State Representative Marc Gergely
Allegheny County Councilman Bob Macey
Allegheny County Councilman Charles Martoni
Allegheny County Councilman Michael Finnerty
Allegheny County Councilman John Palmiere
Pittsburgh City Councilwoman Deb Gross
Pittsburgh City Councilman Corey O’Connor
Pittsburgh City Councilman Daniel Lavelle
Western PA County Party Officials endorsing Tom Wolf:
Allegheny County Democratic Committee Chair Nancy Mills
Allegheny County Democratic Committee Vice-chair Patrick Sweeney
Allegheny County Democratic Committee Treasurer Dave Buchewicz
Allegheny County Democratic Committee Secretary Floretta Irvin
Allegheny County Democratic Committee Youth Caucus Chair Michael Phillips
Western PA Local Party Officials endorsing Tom Wof:
Tony Mossesso, 18th ward
Dennis Simon, Pittsburgh
Franny Salachup, Ross
Rich Lattanzi, Clairton
George Matta, White Oak
Deron Gabriel, South Fayette
Joe Heffley, Bellevue
Rob Frank, President of SEAD
William Futules, Verona
Phil Scolieri, Penn Hills
Norma McCuen, Findlay
Michael Finnerty, Scott
Michelle Zmajanic, Mount Lebanon
Angie M. Gialloreto, Wilkins
Orelio “Rollo” Vecchio, Pitcairn
George S. Thompson, North Versailles
Janice Rawson, Monroeville
William Zachery, Braddock
Robert F. Henkel, Braddock Hills
Joanne M. Baburich, Chalfant
William H. Price, III, Rankin
William Kelly, Turtle Creek
Timothy W. Bridge, North Braddock
Valerie Yockey (Plum)
The only reason Wolf leads in any polls is because he has taken on more debt to run ads well before anyone else. People don’t know him or his real story. Hopefully they find out before the primary because he is a very weak general opponent for Corbett.
The reason McCord continues to rack up the endorsements is because the people who are tuned in know he is not only a good guy but the best built to beat Corbett.
The largest ward in western pa just endorsed him as did the Pittsburgh firefighters. Wolf’s close association with Rendell will kill him in Western PA. Let’s not forget the large sums of money before he was appointed Revenue Secretary, his subsequent support for Rendell tax increases, and then instead of serving at the post he was appointed to he quit immediately to run for governor and had to abort that because of his failing business that was saddled with too much debt from paying him and his two cousins out. Let’s not forget they still owned a third of it at the time.
It’s no wonder the few employees he has left are appearing in ads. They are probably trying to save the few remaining Wolf Organization jobs.
People should start asking who is the self serving politician here?
You are out of your element McCordlies and the people here see that.
As a former Hanger volunteer and supporter, I now support Rob McCord. This ad is excellent. And, the 10% drillers tax is brilliant–it allows some downward “wiggle” room should a negotiation take place to lower the tax. Starting at 5% like some others, insures that the tax may be lowered to 4% or 3%. Start at 10% and you might keep it there and if not, you still end up getting much more than 5%……..
This is the same old problem. As Democrats we’re really great at taking an awesome opportunity and messing it up. (i.e. Bush v. Kerry 2004).
There are so many Republicans and Independents that want to vote for Tom Wolf if he is our nominee. Just read the comments on this very blog from Republicans who openly admit that they would vote for Wolf over Corbett.
Instead, once again, Democrats are going to mess up an awesome opportunity to by supporting a less-electable, typical politician like Rob McCord.
Tom Wolf is Tom Corbett’s worst nightmare. Tom Wolf is the best candidate to take Corbett on according to all the polls. In fact Wolf has the largest margin of victory of Corbett than any other Dem candidate according to ALL the polls.
McCord is a self-absorbed, arrogant man who is getting paid by us taxpayers to run for Governor while ignoring the job he was elected to do. Blue collar Western and Central PA see McCord for what he really is. Just another typical politician who lied about his past and outsourced PA jobs when he was in the private sector. McCord will lose the primary election by a wide margin.
Oh, that’s right… and McCord’s spent the past two years running for Governor while getting paid by us taxpayers to do a job he’s not doing… That reminds me of another former state row officer who did the same thing… What was his name? Tom Corbett.
Corbett and McCord: Your typical, self-absorbed, arrogant politicians.
A gutsy ad that will probably cost him a few votes. I have seen candidates in Berks County hide their spouses until swearing in day.
McCordLies, your post seems to be from a very personal level. What’s the story?; or are you also what you describe Bob McCord ?
I agree with the commenter below – McCordLies’s comments are inappropriate. Administrator, please remove them – undoubtedly you want to encourage political discourse absent of profane cursing and childish name calling. There is a respectful way to express an opinion; and McCordLies is not living up to that.
I can’t expect anything more from someone who literally made their ID name around bashing one particular Democrat. If that isn’t an obvious (and inappropriate) plant by an opponent, I don’t know what is…
Same Barber Shop as in the Corbett ads?
If you think that is activism then you must be backing Hangar because you are smoking something.
I’ve heard rich guys money was simply free speech from the far right but now it’s activism? Yeah he just did that and did not get anything out of it right? Oh wait he has gotten a lot out of it.
The article you link to doesn’t discuss Mr. Wolf as an insider so much as it discusses his activism. It says that he has made a lot of political and charitable contributions over the years. While I can’t match him in dollars, I myself have contributed both time and money to a lot of candidates. I feel that it is my civic duty to be an involved and informed citizen to zealously support the causes and candidates I believe in, whether it is the American Cancer Society, the Humane Society or the Democracy for America, Hillary Cinton, President Obama,Senator Casey, or any number of other candidates I have supported. I supported Mr. Hanger early on, and I am leaning toward Ms. McGinty right now, though I am waiting to see if Hanger endorses anyone because I respect his opinion. I might be the old hippy in me, but I guess I just respect activists, and your linking activism to being an “insider” is misleading if not disingenuous.
I have no idea who this McCordLies is, but he/she has offended me. The language he is using is not suitable for this website. If he works for one of Rob’s opponents, then he/she should be called to task. I certainly hope he is not a Democrat – if he/she is, I am ashamed to be in the same party as this person.
McCordlies – your ignorant comments betray you. Rob has been treasurer for 5 1/2 years. That is hardly a career politician.
Wolf however is the consummate insider used to purchasing government. Just ask his hometown paper.
McCord stole the “invisible” bit from a Hillary Clinton ad circa 2007. Pretty much line for line.
Mr. McCord, I’ve known Hillary Clinton. You’re no Hillary Clinton.
Dear Rob McCord,
Congratulations on the endorsement from your wife. I know it took her a longtime to commit to supporting you. Regardless, you’re still an arrogant, self-absorbed prick.
Yours truly,
Every Pennsylvanian who is sick of typical, career politicians like you!
Excellent ad. Invisible is exactly how a lot of people feel.