PA-Gov: Schwartz Proposes “Invest PA” Program

Rep. Schwartz
Rep. Schwartz

Building upon her Apprenticeship PA plan, Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Rep. Allyson Schwartz proposed an Invest PA program today that would help convince manufacturers to keep all their business in Pennsylvania.

“Pennsylvania has great assets,” Schwartz said. “Our hard-working and determined people, vast energy resources, manufacturing base, top universities, life sciences and agricultural strength all provide opportunity.”

The proposal would create a $30 million loan fund to provide businesses with access to capital in order to grow, hire and stay in Pennsylvania. The plan would also launch an innovation prize to encourage those within the state to be creative and innovate. Schwartz also envisioned building upon the shale natural resources and investing in bio-technology, life sciences and high-tech industries.

“As Governor, I will push Harrisburg to think differently, be innovative, and take advantage of our assets to grow our economy and create new, good-paying jobs for working families,” Schwartz added.

Schwartz’s plan has several tenets, including:

  • Launch a manufacturing renaissance: Along with Invest PA, Schwartz will build new connections between manufacturers and university researchers to help create new opportunities in PA. She also wants to promote the Commonwealth as a great place to relocate for work and manufacturing.

  • Build Pennsylvania’s innovation economy: Schwartz will offer a $1 million Governor’s Award for Excellence in Innovation to get the creative juices of the best and the brightest flowing in the state’s favor. She wants to increase support for Ben Franklin Technology Partners and the three Life Science Greenhouses, as well as expand the Commonwealth’s Research and Development Tax Credit.

  • Grow small businesses: Schwartz wants to help out small businesses through expanding the job creation tax credit and reducing healthcare costs for employers, among other things.

  • Ensure Pennsylvanians benefit from the Marcellus Shale: Schwartz would enact a 5 percent gas severance tax and create a plan for new job opportunities in the shale industry.

  • Promore PA agriculture: Schwartz would provide more support for Penn State Extension and bring back the First Industries Fund.

  • Support the transition to a clean energy economy: Schwartz would like to enhance Pennsylvania’s Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard to require that 30 percent of electricity comes from clean, renewable sources by 2030.

In the Democratic primary for governor, Schwartz faces former Auditor General Jack Wagner, former PA DEP Secretary Katie McGinty, State Treasurer Rob McCord and former Secretary of Revenue Tom Wolf.


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