Add to the list of obvious differences between the heavily Republican legislature and Democratic gubernatorial nominee Tom Wolf the issue of abortion.
Today, Wolf made clear he would not sign a major abortion bill being pushed by the legislature.
“Tom Wolf would not sign this bill,” spokeswoman Beth Melena declared. This is just an attempt to make it more difficult for women to access reproductive health care.”
Incumbent Tom Corbett is widely expected to support the bill.
The bill, which was introduced last February by Republican Rep. Bryan Cutler, requires a conjunction between doctors and hospitals offering obstetrical or gynecological care less than 30 miles away from the clinic. Abortion rights advocates are up in arms, citing the statistic that only 0.3% of abortions lead to major complications, thus asserting that the real goal of the legislation is to limit access.
This legislation is primarily viewed by opponents as a creative way to obstruct and restrict a woman’s access to abortions since not all doctors work within 30 miles of a hospital and many hospitals will reject reproductive care based on religious affiliation.
“They did this before with one of those ultrasound bills and that died and ugly death too,” PennLive editor John Micek told Mother Jones. “As conservative as this legislature can be, it seems to me to be seized by fits of common sense.”
So far the hot-button issue of abortion has been on the campaign back-burner and it’s unclear whether this will force it into the debate over the next few months.
5 Responses
Wolf don’t like the idea of new life.
Guest – this is about the Governor’s race. What does a local state rep have to do with it? There are quite a few Republicans in southeast PA that are moderate-to-liberal on social issues. There are also quite a few Democrats in western PA that are moderate-to-conservative.
both john wolfe and goevnor corbit are both for womans rights and for woman right to have baby or not have baby,
No worries here. The PA Pro-Life Federation and the PA Bishops Conference who are apparently “handled” by the federation does not support the bill as well, along with Wolf and Planned Parenthood. Strange bedfellows?
Let’s talk faux Reublican state Rep candidates. Chesco Faux Republican is double dip Duane Milne. For years Milne counts on Republicans to not catch on & continue to vote blindly for him. Double dip Milne has two taxpayer your money jobs state rep & taxpayer paid Wcu. Not enough he will get two taxpayer paid pensions.
Currently the pension fund is in crisis money you will pay foryears while Corbett not only uses most state taxpayer money to pensions Milne has been trashing Corbett & republicas as out of touch. Milne has blocked pension reform for 3 years while new hires are guaranteed 40yrs @ 2.5% will yield 100 l% of their final salary plus 100% of social security.
Milne as a state rep will get 3% of 40% of final salary for 120% of his salary for life plus socialsecurity. MMilne likes picking your pocket so much b he blocked liquor privatization cause they I get the pension too.
Every taxpayer & also parent should be aware that the Milne blocked pension reform is hurting precious kids & the classrooms. Don’t blsme Corbett blame self interest reps who block reform that if adopted would have increased money for kids and clsssrooms I now that money is suckered into Milne’s pension scam. Oh yeah Molne is a lackey of the teachers union PSEA the liquor union and Planned Parenthood. Republicas should not be scaned again. Milne should not receive any Republican vote. No one anywhere is as disingenuous as milne. No d has bern this bad. Just skiip voting for the fake!!!
Ps you may remenber getting a Milne mailing your taxpayer paid for lying agsin two days sfter legal deadline ah yes but he complied by mailing within window. So he used your money to lie/be disingenuous to you at your expense. Don’t be fooled again or scsmmed on your vote!