PA-Gov: Wolf Posts Western Pa. Support Video

Tom Wolf’s extensive ad campaign continued yesterday with a web video showcasing the mass support he received from Western Pennsylvania lawmakers.

The video pieces together footage taken Saturday, March 8th during an endorsement event that was held at the Allegheny County Courthouse in Downtown Pittsburgh.

“Everywhere I go, someone says, ‘Have you met Tom Wolf yet?’” says Allegheny County Democratic Chair Nancy Mills. “Everybody is talking about Tom Wolf.”

Like Wolf’s previous ads, “Western Pennsylvania for Tom Wolf” is both eye-catching and well made. The soundtrack adds suspense — which seems a tad out of place — to the words of his supporters, including Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto and Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald.

western pa for wolf“One of the things we have been able to do [in Western Pennsylvania] over the last couple of years is really bring people together,” says Fitzgerald.

Quickly picking up where he left off is Peduto: “And you need that when you’re looking for a leader. You don’t need someone who will be divisive, but someone who can bring people together — and I see that quality and trait within [Tom Wolf].”

“This is why I am really, really inspired to do great things because that’s what they are doing here in Western Pennsylvania,” Wolf says, pointing to the crowd Pittsburgh lawmakers encircling behind him.

The ad showcases how, in the words of Congressman Mike Doyle (PA-14), Wolf “shares Western Pennsylvania values.”

Now that the field for the Democratic primary has thinned with the recent departures of former DEP Secretary John Hanger, minister Max Myers and Lebanon County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz, the remaining candidates include Wolf, former Auditor General Jack Wagner, Rep. Allyson Schwartz, State Treasurer Rob McCord, and former DEP Secretary Katie McGinty.

9 Responses

  1. Another tax-and-spend politician belonging to the same Party as a president who has taken this country to its knees is the last thing we need in PA.

    This guy would implement a pre-birth school program, paid by the taxpayers, that would educate a child while still in the womb.

  2. he can’t win in the fall when is mystupid party gonna stop selling him thenomination? He’s nothingmore than a Rendell puppet who will continue to ship our tax dollars to Phila. Everyone you saw is a Rendell puppet w.ho bought his high paid bs hook line and sinker I better watch my self or his campaign manager will sue me like he did Obama last year. Remember two things, if it looks too good to be true it is and birds of a feather flock together. I’llask again…How much money did you throw around Pittsburgh to get these endorsements?

  3. On one comment that maybe wolf can’t compete in the SE Pa. Look at the county petition numbers. He seems to be holding his own. Out of Phila. Delaware, Bucks and Montgomery totals Wolf turned in 194 pages, McCord 197 pages, Schwartz turned in 146 pages. Wolf had 53 supplementals, McCord had 116 and Swartz had 1012. Anything funny about that number??????

  4. Was that the soundtrack for a horror film’s trailer. It sounds like something that would come out of Saw.

  5. Maybe the women thought Fitzgerald would throw them out? He has a history of man-handling women he can’t control.
    The other problem is visual. Everybody calls Peduto “Mayor Flintstone” already because of his physical similarities, but geesh, it musta been a long Friday night at Cappy’s for Bill by the looks of him.

  6. Does anyone think Wolf can compete in SEPA with Schwartz and McCord? And Wagner will eat in to his Western PA “advantage.” I’m just being devils advocate, but clearly this race is hardly a shoe-in for Wolf.

  7. Susan, the lack of women in the picture is not Tom Wolf’s fault. Very simply he was surrounded by local officials who are supporting him. But Western PA is notorious for NOT electing many women — especially Democratic Women — to public office, so small wonder there are so few women in the photos.

  8. Nice ad but i only see 2 woman in the dont have to surround yourself by middle aged men.

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