Gov. Tom Wolf signed an executive order Monday to raise the minimum wage for state employees and contractors to $10.15 – a 40% increase.
The wage hike – part of the Governor’s “Jobs that Pay” initiative – will take effect for all state contracts signed or modified after July 1, Wolf announced.
“Since the beginning of my administration, I have made creating good paying jobs, increasing efficiency and achieving savings in state government top priorities,” Wolf said. “An increase in the minimum wage will achieve efficiency and cost savings for state government, reduce state expenditures on income support programs and give valued employees a well-deserved raise.”
The Governor is also pushing the Legislature to raise the statewide minimum wage, a move that would boost annual revenues by $60 million and benefit 1.2 million Pennsylvanians, Wolf said.
The Keystone State’s current minimum wage – $7.25 – has 18% less purchasing power than it did in 1979, the Wolf Administration said.
7 Responses
The governor makes a smart political move; buying millions of votes with taxpayer money. Once again, the feckless Republicans are flummoxed. The Governor is a chess player.
Actually you can live off $7.25 an hour, maybe not raise kids, but certainly could live off $7.25 if you got 40 hours per week. It ends up being about 1100 per month. Considering the bottom tax bracket, you would need a roommate with a cheap apartment in the semi ghetto part of the city, which are about $600 per month. Split the costs and you could spend under $500 a month in rent and utilities. You would need to take the bus or bike to work, as well as use food stamps and shop at yard sales and salvation army. But it’s doable. If you’re married or have a girlfriend, you can certainly do it for sure with 2 incomes, and even afford 1 used car or buy a city house(about $70k).
Fact is, most places already pay $10 an hour. Only part time places meant for high school kids and people that continually lose their jobs and reenter the workforce make $7.25. If you can continue to work relatively hard and maintain work, you should be able to find work above $10 an hour. At least here in lancaster county you can.
My mother is an immigrant with no high school education, no diploma. She reentered the work force last year after closing her restaurant. She moved from $8 an hour, to $10, then to $14 per hour in just over a years time. She simply has a good work ethic, and employers wanted to keep her. They even counter offered when she left.
$7.25 is a MINIMUM, people shouldn’t be working at mcdonalds their whole lives and never move up the ladder. At least get to shift manager which pays over $10 an hour.
This is a sorry state you can’t live in a room off of 7.25hr…you really believe you helped some one your crazy
What you signed is nothing…what about the real struggling minimum wage employees
We are no closer to a raise now than five years ago. I need to leave your sorry state just to make a living
It’s a great start, Gov. Wolf!
Hey! I’m up three bucks a day. Thanks, Guv. I’m headed to Zappala’s casino!
Come on sissy…where’s the 15 you promised us…liar