PA-Sen: Biden Stars in Ad for McGinty (VIDEO)

Vice President Joe Biden is going to bat for Katie McGinty.

The VP is the star of the latest TV ad for the Senate Democratic nominee.

“This is what I know about Katie McGinty: Like me, she has Pennsylvania working-class roots, and she’s never abandoned them,” he begins. “Hard work, family, playing it straight. That’s Katie.”

“And the ads attacking her, they’re a bunch of malarkey,” he continues, using the word he made famous.

“Katie’s career is about looking out for families like yours, creating jobs, keeping our environment safe,” the Vice President concludes. “She’s a wife, a mom, a basketball fan. A homework supervisor. She’s like you. And she’ll fight for you in the United States Senate.”

Biden was born in Scranton and was often referred to as “Pennsylvania’s Third Senator” during his thirty-two years representing Delaware. Back in April, Edward Isaac-Dovere of Politico reported that the Vice President made winning the Senate majority for the Dems his personal goal in 2016.

7 Responses

  1. Finally! a decent McGinty ad that forcefully refutes the Toomey BS and makes the case for Katy. Run it often, and pray it’s not too late.

  2. This is a solid ad. Mr. Biden is popular in Pennsylvania, especially the places Ms. McGinty needs to turn out. The message was simple, clear, and designed to resonate with those constituencies. It was also positive, which is refreshing to a lot of people who find the intense negativity of this cycle to be tiring. While the conventional wisdom and plenty of data suggest negative ads are more effective, I think this one makes it through the noise.

  3. Run this ad 24 hours a day from now until November. It wins the election for Katie. Great job Joe!

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