Congressman Pat Meehan made a terrible mistake, he told the truth.
Rep. Meehan was talking to Laura Goldman, who was working on a piece about PA Society for the Huffington Post. Goldman asked Meehan about a possible run for Senate. Goldman writes that Meehan indicated the donor class wants him to run.
As first reported by Ryan Briggs of City & State, Meehan signaled that he was considering a run in the days leading about to the annual NYC event.
Meehan’s words are already being used against him by the PA Democratic Party.
“It’s no surprise that those at the very top are begging radical Congressman Pat Meehan to run for U.S. Senate so he can further stack the deck against middle class Pennsylvanians,” PA Democratic Party spokesperson Brandon Cwalina stated. “Radical Meehan’s agenda is clear: a massive tax cut for those at the top at the expense of the middle class, an end to the guaranteed benefit of Medicare and a rolling back of rules for Wall Street so financiers can make the same risky bets that brought the economy down in 2008.”
“Pat Meehan revealed who he truly is: a radical politician whose agenda is driven by and for “lots of rich people,” Cwalina concluded.
If Meehan runs, he would be challenging Senator Bob Casey’s bid for a third term.
UPDATE: Goldman originally wrote that Meehan stated “Lots of rich people have asked me to enter the race”, but now it appears that was a mischaracterization or misunderstanding on her part, as it has been removed from her piece.
12 Responses
The poll of his social circle has come in–Meehan is the logical choice!
This is a really disappointing treatment of this story even by PoliticsPA standards. The “update” at the end of the story undercuts the whole premise of the story above it, but clearly the writer was too lazy to re-work his piece in full — so he tacked on the update at the end and called it a day.
The PA Dems need a new mouthpiece. That kind of stuff is getting kind of old. And anybody who knows Pat knows it.
Casey isn’t Rich, winner winner. But yes, he has rich supporters.
Completely agree with Guy. Response is amateur hour.
I hate this response by the PA Dems. Instead of bashing Meehan (which there will be plenty of time to do during the actual campaign) they should be displaying confidence and a willingness to run on Casey’s record–even if they don’t have any confidence and want to get as far away from Casey’s record as they can. The point here is to give the appearance of having one’s shit together.
TurdsEye is a good name for a inner winner.
More fake news!
Much ado about NOTHING….get real!
yeah and Casey’s not rich or supported by rich people. Just like Hillary was supportive of all the poor and undeserved….Please give me a break.
Rich people control PA politics, so what is he missing? Maybe a hereditary name. That’s the only thing PA voters love more than money.
His potential campaign is over before it began. One of the dumbest comments in 2016.
Nice one. If he had been caught on camera, just imagine the ad, similar to the famous Joe Sestak ad that played a clip of Arlen Specter saying he had changed parties to “get re-elected.”