PA-Sen: McGinty Tries to Tie Toomey to Trump (VIDEO)

Katie McGinty is calling out Pat Toomey for not fully separating himself from Donald Trump.

The Senate Democratic nominee is up with a new thirty-second spot, titled “Dangerous”, linking the two together.

“Donald Trump and Pat Toomey have plenty in common: they’re both putting Pennsylvania women at risk,” the narrator states. “Even after Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, Toomey stood by him.”

While the GOP Senator condemned Trump’s remarks, he still refuses to say whether or not he’ll vote for his party’s presidential nominee.

The commercial then links a comment Trump made earlier this year about punishing women who receive an abortion to a statement Toomey made in 2009 about penalizing doctors who perform abortions.

“On women’s health, both Trump and Toomey would defund Planned Parenthood,” the narrator concludes. “Pat Toomey and Donald Trump: too dangerous for Pennsylvania women.”

13 Responses

  1. McGinty Tried but failed at linking Toomey to Trump. She could not say oe law enforcement agency that endorsed her even though she made that claim then tried to change the subject! Braggart Toomey is a shell of a man, maybe he can go golfing with Obama and have a few yucks!

  2. Really she is connecting Toomey with Trump well being McGinty supports Hillary which had evidence destroyed 4 days after they were subpoenaed and never charges with numerous crimes that she should have.
    I have been making a list of all the PA politicians that are supporting Hillary and am voting for whomever is running against them. I was a registered democrat until this June and switched parties because I am not going to support such a corrupt person that by all rights should be facing jail time not the oval office.
    A vote for Hillary is a vote for gov’t corruption, terrorist, more terrorist attacks and destruction to this country. And to all the Hillary supporters the blood of those victims will be on your hands for putting her in an office she is totally unfit to be in.

  3. Ida Temple, you don’t have a problem with Hillary calling Monica Lewinsky “a narcissistic loony tune” and saying that Bill’s several accusers should not be believed? Talk about rape culture!

  4. If McGuinty were smart she would go in on Toomey regarding Merrick and the supreme court tonight.

  5. There was a time I would have voted for Toomey. But the Republicans are really letting me down. With Toomey refusing to denounce Trump, I wonder if he really even cares about our Country.

    I am sick of all this sex talk too. No one should refer to their own daughter as a “hot piece of ass.” I really think there is something wrong with that man.

    Hillary is in no way responsible for what her husband may have done 20-30 years ago.

  6. Shady Katie tries to link Toomey and Trump but the Dems scream bloody murder when someone dares to bring up Bill Clinton being a serial rapist.

  7. McGinty “tries” to to tie Toomey to Trump? It’s not too freakin’ hard is it when Senator Gloomey won’t even say he plans to vote for someone else. Like everything else he does, he tries to have it both way. “I was for guns before I was against them.”

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