Katie McGinty, Democratic candidate for Senate, today gained the support of the Services Employees International Union.
“I am honored to have the support of SEIU which represents hundreds of thousands of workers across the country, including 80,000 workers in Pennsylvania,” said Katie McGinty. “As the daughter of a police officer and a restaurant hostess, I have the utmost respect for hardworking women and men who give it their all to provide for themselves and their families. No one working full time should live in poverty in this country, which is why I fully support SEIU’s “Fight for $15” campaign for a living wage. SEIU and I are also dedicated to ensuring access to affordable and quality healthcare, universal pre-K, increasing college affordability and protecting Social Security and Medicare. I look forward to working in partnership with SEIU to give workers a fighting chance.”
“No candidate in this race is as committed to standing with working families as Katie McGinty,” said Neal Bisno, President of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania. “She has marched with hospital workers fighting for good jobs, has been a champion for homecare and nursing home workers, and was the first candidate to announce her support for raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. She is a proven leader who will work to grow the middle class, ensure access to quality, affordable healthcare and education, and expand job training programs. The nurses and healthcare workers of Pennsylvania are excited to help make Katie McGinty the first woman U.S. Senator in the history of our state!”
McGinty has won the support of Governor Tom Wolf, elected officials. state and local groups including labor, women’s advocacy and environmental organizations.
McGinty is running against former Congressman Joe Sestak and Braddock Mayor John Fetterman in the Senate Democratic primary. According to a recent Franklin & Marshall poll, the race is still up for grabs.
16 Responses
are we really surprised that unions are endorsing who the big boys tell them to? when the boilermakers are being gypped of eligibility for unemployment comp thanks to a Corbett move, and the unions need the Rendellwoif machine on their sides ? IMHO this Senate race will be d determined by people who actually listen to the debates. those who do will realize that Mc minty has not improved in substance or style since her 4th rate showing in the gubernatorial debates of 2014- a candidate who ducks the issues and has no real solutions. but is a nice soccer mom type . last weekend’s debate in pittsburgh showed no improvement in style; she managed to evade the tough questions (again) . with Fetterman full of sound and fury , but signifying nothing, a number of undecideds last week end announced they are going for Sestak.
Settle down there, billy
Montco PA Dem, Fetterman has actually lived in Braddock for 10+ years. McGinty lives in a million dollar home with a bunch of rich white people and takes millions of dollars from energy interests, some of which end up in her pocket to pay back personal loans to her campaign. Who’s the fake here?
We had better cool it with these endorsements before the voters start to realize how corrupt and rigged the whole state party is. We’re making it a little too obvious.
As fake as a sold out insider bureaucrat pretending to be a grassroots defender of the earth and the downtrodden.
As fake as the privileged son of a 1% family doing his best to be a Working Class Hero? Or as a resident of Virginia trying to pass himself off as a candidate from PA? Pot, meet kettle.
The best word to describe McGinty is disingenuous. It’s painful to watch her giddiness when she thinks she got her prepared lines right in a debate. She may not be but she appears fake.
Well I’m certainly glad that the political analysts from Cosmo and Vogue have checked in to let us know who we should vote for based on hair and wardrobe. Fetterman will undoubtedly be relieved he made the cut.
And I think Katie McGinty might get a chuckle out of this too, seeing that’s the ammo they using against her.
Every one of these endorsements further reinforces how disgusting our political system is.
McGinty just jumped on the $15 bandwagon a few months ago.
I watched a recent candidates forum with Sestak, McGinty, and Fetterman… McGinty comes off like a Saturday Night Live skit… she comes off like a frazzled cat lady regurgitating canned lines.
Nobody who actually looks at and listens to these candidates could honestly choose McGinty over the other two.
Truth: MCGINTY GET A FLIPPING STYLIST!! Geez clothes and hair from 1984. Guerlain not Cover Girl. Hair touched up and would a blow out kill ya.
The truth:
Katie McGinty is the only Democrat to be endorsed be labor unions.
So far Katie McGinty has been endorsed by:
-Amalgamated Transit Union
-Amalgamated Transit Union Local 85
-American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
-International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
-Operating Engineers Local 542
-Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals
-Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
-Sheet Metal Workers Local 19
-United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 1776
-United Steelworkers
-EMILY’s List
-League of Conservation Voters Action Fund
-United Ward Leaders of Color
So far Joe Sestak has been endorsed by:
NO labor union, not a single one
Katie McGinty is clearly the only Democrat in the race who is a champion for hard working Pennsylvania families!
The truth:
Katie McGinty called for a $15 minimum wage.
Here is the article from October 2015:
Peggy, check the date – Sept 2013. The $15 minimum was not in play at that point. I would be surprised if she hasn’t updated her stance over the past 2 1/2 years. Many of us have.
I guess SEIU didn’t do its research. Disappointing.
PoliticsPA: “McGinty Calls for $9 an hour minimum wage” https://www.politicspa.com/mcginty-calls-for-9-minimum-wage/50637/
Diano, do you ever get tired of being a butthurt ladyboy?
Still no labor endorsements for Sestak?
No surprise considering that Sestak is the kind of employer that unions were formed to fight.