Katie McGinty is ahead in yet another poll.
The latest Quinnipiac survey has McGinty with 48% and GOP Senator Pat Toomey is at 47%.
This is the fourth straight poll in the past two days to have McGinty in the lead after the results from CNN, Monmouth and Susquehanna yesterday.
Once again, there is a huge gender gap in this race with women preferring McGinty 55% to 37% and men favoring Toomey 57% to 39%. Digging deeper, white women support the Democrat 51% to 43%, while white men back the Republican 60% to 37%.
Additionally, there is a large discrepancy among voters concerning education. Those with a college degree prefer McGinty 50% to 45%. Yet those that don’t want Toomey 57% to 38%.
Both candidates also do well with members of their party. Democrats back McGinty 80% to 14% while Republicans favor Toomey 82% to 11%. Toomey is ahead with independents by one point, 49% to 48%.
The Quinnipiac University Poll surveyed 612 likely Pennsylvania voters from October 27th to November 1st using live interviews from landlines and cell phones. The margin of error is +/- 4%.
9 Responses
Yep, just what we need – another Tom Wolf toady. Really, people?
Why aren’t the Repubs asking to see the Frank Fina porn emails? Or those of Robert Graci? You know he has to be in that PA Supreme Court porn email network.
@Unsanctioned R
Has #Gloomey conceded yet?
Free Kathleen Kane and elect Katie
Notice how Repubs now want to read everybody’s email? First they wanted to police your bedroom, then it was the bathroom, now it’s your email. Trump seems like the perfect pervy candidate for a truly pervy party.
Good, I am hopeful she will be elected.
Anyone see or know where we can read The McGinty emails ?
Has #ShadyKatie conceded yet?
Has One-Term-Garden-Gnome conceded yet?!?