Ed Rendell and Joe Sestak have never had the greatest relationship.
Rendell and former Senator Arlen Specter were long-time close friends. So much so that in 2009, the ex-Governor was able to convince Specter to switch parties and (eventually) become the Democrats’ sixtieth seat in the Senate.
Then-Congressman Sestak, however, refused to step aside and beat Specter in the 2010 Democratic primary.
When rumors first started to become reality and Katie McGinty began considering a Senate run, it was thought Rendell would be a vocal supporter. After all, not only was Sestak an old foe but McGinty had served in his cabinet as DEP Secretary from 2003 to 2008.
Rendell was lukewarm, though, stating that he didn’t believe McGinty would ultimately pull the trigger.
Perhaps the passage of some time, or McGinty’s journey to Martha’s Vineyard, changed his mind.
According to John Baer of the Daily News, Rendell now believes there is a 70% chance McGinty will run.
“They’re doing a tough sell in Washington,” he told Baer.
McGinty still has to choose, though, and she has to decide soon.
13 Responses
‘Sestak is unable to effectively debate Toomey, because Sestak is a conservative himself.’ David, have you looked at Sestak’s website? may i suggest that you visit Sestak’s website, and ascertain his stand on important issues like the environment, veteran’s rights, women’s rights, et al. The website lists Sestak’s positions against Toomey’s . There is a great difference of opinion between them on most topics, which would be great fodder for a debate. as for myself, I see that most everyone except Donald Trump seems to have bought into Bush’s lies about the need for US military involvement , so why blame Sestak alone for that ?
Isn’t she supposed to be involved in the budget issues instead of campaigning for next year?
Do any of you letter writers know McGinty. She is a very smart person. On the campaign trail she relates well with people. She has held meaningful positions at the Federal and State Level. She campaigns the right way. On her abilities not on her opponents negatives. Her adds where bad and her campaign underfunded when she ran for Governor. This time if she runs for Senate she will be supported by the National Democratic Committee and less anyone forgets if Katie runs Tom Wolf will be also behind her. I like Sestak personally but with virtually no support from State or Federal Committees he will never be able to raise enough money to beat Toomey. Toomey has to go. Everyday people cannot endure a man who constantly talks one way and votes another. Example: Toomey is always talking about aid for veterans. He has voted in the last five years against every veterans legislation that has come up in the Senate. Katie can beat Toomey with the right Campaign and the money to run a good campaign.
McGinty has been, is and will be a loser. She has neither credentials nor does she deserve a Senate seat. She is part of left wing progressives ruining both Democratic Party- and our Nation. If she runs many Dems- particularly moderates and Jewish voters will support Sestak – and if necessary Toomey.
Sestak is a hawk on foreign policy. He voted twice for Bush’s Iraq War budget, without accountability. When he was out of office, he went on cable news shows to criticize Obama withdrawing from Afghanistan. He fooled the peace movement in 2006 (in 2007 they were outside his congressional office with protest signs).
Sestak is unable to effectively debate Toomey, because Sestak is a conservative himself.
McGinty: she has never won any elected office. she does not campaign well. day-glow colored suits and a cheery smile are not the way to win over most serious political analysts. she cannot hold a candle to Joe Sestak on foreign policy. telling people to vote for her ‘because she’s a woman’ is as offensive as telling people to vote (or not vote) for a given candidate based on race or religion. her main advantage seems to be that as an appointee to various pols, she can count on money flowing in from the clinton clan. no doubt she’s a nice woman and probably a good mother too— but she is not the choice of this lifelong progressive democrat in the race for US Senate. a lot of my colleagues share this view– (but when has the state dem leadership in PA actually cared what we grassroots Dems think ? we elected Burn and look what just happened to him — the Rendell forces booted him after all.)
13thDistrctDemocrat – I in no way attacked the candidate. I think she is a good contender and a much better choice than Sestak. I do not agree with jmarshak. That said, the company that did her media buying for governor did her no favors. It was a complete joke.
Is Sestak moving back to Virginia?
Hey Moderate Mel and jmarshak:
Next time you want to try attacking a candidate, you should probably vary your script a little bit.
So once again she can tramp across PA looking for trees to hug.
Her campaign for Governor was a joke. This will be fun to watch.
Hopefully, she finds someone better handle her media buying. 2014 was a joke…
Hey Diano! Make certain to whiten your teeth – cause’ there will be a broad smile on your face in the weeks and months to come. Broader than you can possibly imagine…
Pennsylvania currently has no women serving in Congress! Let’s make history by electing Pennsylvania’s first woman United States Senator!
The time to rally around a unifying candidate to defeat Pat Toomey and the Republican majority is NOW! That candidate is Katie McGinty!
Follow us on twitter @DraftMcGinty
Learn more about Katie:
Katie McGinty is a recognized leader in environmental protection, business investment, job growth, and energy innovation. With more than twenty-five years of experience in public service and the private sector, Katie knows how to solve big problems at the highest levels, and she knows how to fight for working families. In Katie, Democrats throughout Pennsylvania have an energetic and compassionate voice to fight for middle class families.
Katie was born in northeast Philadelphia the ninth of ten kids to a police officer and a hostess. After attending college and law school on scholarships, she worked her way up within the Clinton Administration, eventually serving as a trusted advisor to President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore as the first woman to chair the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Later, she served our state and Governor Ed Rendell as the first female Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection. Since 2008, Katie has been working in the private sector helping to drive sustainable business development.
Katie, her husband Karl, and their three daughters live in Wayne, Chester County.