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PA Supreme Court Unseals More Records of Kane Investigation

KaneA trove of documents related to Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s criminal case were released today.

The PA Supreme Court unsealed the records, which chronicle the grand jury investigation of the Attorney General.

The request to release these documents was made by Judge William Carpenter and not Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

According to Wallace McKelvey of the Patriot-News, documents relating to the infamous pornographic emails can be reviewed in person at the Prothonotary’s office.

All the released the documents are included below:


UPDATE: The Attorney General released the following statement on August 27th:

“I applaud the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for releasing the emails and attachments first exposed by the Moulton investigation into the Sandusky prosecution on June 23, 2014.  It should never have taken so long for the release of all of these emails, although I recognize that my office is, in part, to blame for this delay.

While the Supreme Court’s releases make moot my office’s appeal covering a large part of the Right-To-Know Law (RTKL) requests they do not cover all the attendant materials in the possession of the OAG covered by the RTKL requests.  Some of the materials, currently in possession of the OAG, were never submitted to the Supreme Court as part of any proceedings.

I have, therefore, instructed my office to continue its RTKL appeal in Commonwealth Court solely for the purpose of seeking guidance with respect to the release of any materials covered by the outstanding RTKL requests that was not released by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court yesterday.”

17 Responses

  1. Simple answer is politics
    Grass root asked the key question “How this Grand Jury ended up in Montgomery County” Montgomery county Republican politics are VERY dirty.
    Political aspirations for some people who A: Somebody who wants to be AG. Hang an AG to help a friend.
    B: Fina has a larger level of influence, busy person, not good. C: Payback for getting Corbett out. D: a DA who wants to pay back favors and is politically astute. E: A whole lot of things that SOME people are very aware of but need to keep silent.

    When the wash is done a lot of dirt on the background of this whole mess will come to pass with a whole lot of people hurt some that deserve it others that are colateral damage.

  2. @ Observer:

    “Youth is not time of life, it is a state of mind!”

    [Quote from graphic in my father’s office]

  3. And PoliticsPA – you owe us a correction. Your earlier item said that these documents were ALWAYS available since last January. As the August 15th order shows, they were NOT availalable, and the seal was NOT lifted until this past Saturday. The documents speak for themselves. And how sneaky is our Supreme Court to try to slip these out on a Saturday? This corrupt Supreme Court also denied a man the right to plead the Fifth before a sham grand jury. They should ALL resign. They bring great shame and disrepute upon the Judiciary and the Commonwealth.

  4. And Old Man, if it is “digitally available” – that means, in 2015, that digital copies will be all over that internets thingie in about two hours.

  5. Oh, and Carpenter and Carluccio’s reputations are shot too. they protected the Porn boys SO completely – even to the extent of covering up Fina and Costie’s testimony at an In Camera, Ex Parte hearing (a highly suspicious and corrupt proceeding in itself), which involved Carpenter tracking down a transcript and ordering OAG employees to forget they had seen it! Lolol… Carpenter – quit NOW, before YOU are indicted! At the very least, a complaint is going to be filed with the Judicial Conduct Board over this. I promise.

  6. I agree with the commenters who are glad that Fina got outted. But I’m still waiting to hear what this has to do with Kane’s criminal charges. Her own closest advisors testified against her. These are not people who are doing the bidding of Fina.

  7. Apparently, despite this being 2015, info claimed to be available in the Prothonotary’s Office is uniquely available @ that site to DD [rather than via the Internet]; I’m still eager to note how the sleuths who have hungered for these data will link any alleged weirdness by FF to anything that could defend AG-Kane’s GJ-leakage.

  8. Visitors to the Prothonotary’s office should bring their own Vasoline or preferred lubricants, as well as towels for cleanup, in case the office runs out.

  9. “Fina’s emails included, among other things, an image of duct tape with the caption, “duct tape turns no, no, no to MMMM.”

    This is indicative of the RAPE CULTURE we live in … Fina should never be in a position of public trust ever again!

    Maybe this is why Fina showed an inexcusable lack of urgency in charging and stopping serial sexual predator Jerry Sandusky. Fina would never be able to take the recommendation of a female subordinate prosecutor Jonelle Eshbach seriously because he viewed women and her as objects to pleasure him and not as a professional equal.

    Seth are you going to finally do the right thing?

  10. Those Jack-booted thugs Fina and Costanzo are FINALLY getting got.

    A beautiful day in Pennsylvania.

  11. Let’s get Fina and Costanzo on that witness stand right now. Bring it, Risa Vetri. Let’s see how it affects YOUR election chances to the bench.

    And hey, Old Man Sklaroff: it’s 2015. No one has to go the the “Prothonotary’s Office” to view documents.

  12. I back Kathleen Kane 100%! The “good ole boys” want her out – first elected woman, first elected Democrat. Wake up folks this is 2015 not the 50’s. Again, release the emails!

  13. From the documents:
    “It is without question that it is of interest to the public that a Chief Deputy Attorney General, overseeing the prosecution of sexual offenses, was sending emails of pictures of duct tape with a 2 2 caption , “Duct tape turns no, no, no to MMMMMM”. It is without question that emails titled “Men
    in Training” which photographically depict a prepubescent girl hold her underpants open while an even younger boy looks down her pants are of interest to the public. It is further without question that a video clip emailed where five men holding the limbs of one woman put a champagne bottle into her vagina as it is exploding and then one man drinks the liquid from her vaginal area is of interest to the public. Emails of this nature are of great interest to a public who would like to believe that prosecutors, supervising and prosecuting sexual offenses, are not mocking nonconsensual sexual facts or finding humor in minors used for sexual innuendo.”

    Starting the clock now for Fina’s suspension or firing…

  14. Kathy Kane you should start your reelection right now and run a lot of commercials showing how many people you have prosecuted and How Many Convictions you have achieved . Show The Court of Public Opinion what a Great AG you have been since being elected Take it to the Streets as I believe this is a Corrupted Prosecution of you

  15. Interesting stuff here. At least the truth about Sleazebag Fina and Costanza is finally coming out.

  16. If these E Mails are Real Fina and Costanzo Should be Prosecuted and should be nowhere near a Position to Prosecute Blacks and Other Minorities and an Investigation should be Done to see if Fina and Costanzo have some connection to Bruce Castor or Resa Ferman or Judge Carpenter or anyone else in Montgomery County Government to see if Fina and Costanzo Used teir Connections to Get Kane Prosecuted . I still dont understand How this Grand Jury ended up in Montgomery County This is very Important as Ferman is Running for Common Pleas Court Judge right now and she should not be a Judge if this is a rigged Prosecution VIA connections to anyone in Montgomery County Governemnt

  17. Wondering which of the bloggers on this site will be first to arrive at the Prothonotary’s Office to scour the “offending” e-mails….

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