Fighting for the Trump agenda.
Rep. Scott Perry’s (R-York) newest television ad depicts the bickering in Washington D.C. as a food fight with Nancy Pelosi to blame and suggests his record and the Trump agenda are what Americans want.
“Thanks to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, this is what Washington looks like,” as the food fight is taking place. “A childish foodfight, simply to obstruct President Trump’s agenda.”
Perry highlights his military service in Iraq in this ad and thinks his record coupled with fighting for Trump’s push for “lower taxes, fair trade deals, and ending sanctuary cities” is the message voters in the 10th district want to hear.
Perry’s Democratic opponent, George Scott, believes the gridlock in Congress can be credited to Perry and the Freedom Caucus.
“Mr. Perry’s TV ad is a foolish display. He and his Freedom Caucus cronies are the real reason that there is gridlock and hyper-partisanship in Washington, DC,” said Stephany Dugan, Scott for Congress Communications Director. “This ad contradicts his own public statements about trying to work toward solutions. When Scott Perry says he fights to win, he really means that he fights to divide.”
The Perry campaign did not immediately respond for comment.
Perry’s first television ad also detailed his military service, while painting a picture of putting veterans and senior citizens needs first.
The Scott campaign has stressed bipartisanship in his first round of television ads, coupled with detailing his military service as well.
If you see this ad or any political ad, I invite you to flag it for me at
5 Responses
Scott Perry seems to have selective amnesia in that he forgets that he is part of a majority and voted to cut medicare as well as not support the Veterans budget. The voters are getting wise to this approach and finding out just in time for the Nov 6th election.
Is Trump’s “agenda” putting (attempted) rapists on the Supreme Court?
Not sure how you can have a majority and blame the minority for not getting bills through.
Scott Perry is a proven liar about protecting seniors and veterans – he voted to cut Medicare and voted against the Veterans Affairs budget, just this month. And now he is saying that the Democrats are the problem – he doesn’t even vote for his own Republican caucus bills many times – he is part of the reason that Republicans aren’t getting their agenda passed.
That’s funny because Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the White House. The rest of realize it’s Scott Perry’s caveman caucus that prevents the Republicans from actually being able to govern.