PAGOP Endorses Christylee Peck, Megan King For Superior Court

HERSHEY- At the Pennsylvania Republican Party’s first meeting since their lackluster midterm performance, the GOP came together to endorse two Superior Court candidates and voice their dedication to party unity moving into 2020.

Out of the three candidates seeking the state endorsement, the party recommended Cumberland County Judge Christylee Peck and prosecutor Megan King on the first ballot. Peck was the highest vote getter capturing 261 votes, while King tallied 223 votes.  

Peck discussed working harder than she ever has before to capture a spot on the Superior Court, while detailing the importance of electing Republicans to the court and not taking these races for granted.

“This race as we’ve been hearing about a lot today, it’s not about me, it’s not about any of the other candidates,” Peck said. “Everybody that’s sitting in this room today is here because you care about our country.”

“Even if we don’t pay attention to it, we see what happens when we don’t pay attention to races for judges,” she said.

King, who has served in the Chester and Lancaster County District Attorney’s office, was a later entry into the race. She expressed how she was overwhelmed with the support she received and the need for constitutional conservatives on Pennsylvania’s court.

“I want to thank the Republican party for continuing to elect constitutional conservative judges,” King said. “This is a critical time for our courts and our country and we can do this. The time for judicial activism has to stop here and now and it starts with you. I’m a constitutional conservative that will not legislate from the bench.”

Coming in third place was Montour County District Attorney Rebecca Warren with 131 votes. Warren staged a run for the statewide court seat in 2015, finishing in fifth place in the GOP primary for the state Supreme Court.

Former state Rep. Kate Harper (R-Montgomery) was exploring a bid for the Superior Court, but bailed out of the race before today’s endorsement process.

Val DiGiorgio, Pa. Republican Party Chairman, delivered a passionate 15 minute address before the voting began about the need for party unity and placing the Democrats and the media as their opponents in their path.

“I’ve often said that we cannot have an honest debate with the left in this nation until they admit that they don’t like the principles upon which this country was founded,” he said.

The loudest applause during his address was when he referenced the recent story that went viral between students from Covington Catholic High School and a Native American man at a pro-life rally as an example of how Republicans are at odds with not only Democrats, but the mainstream media.

“We must never forget that the mainstream media is always looking for a way to put us down, to change the narrative of our president, and to push the national talking points of the Democrat party,” DiGiorgio said. “But we must show them that we will not be intimidated and we will not be silenced as the left and their friends in the media try to bully us into submission.”

“This is what I say to them,” DiGiorgio said as he placed a “Make America Great Again” hat on his head.

“We need to stop fighting with one another,” DiGiorgio said. “And stop the attacks on fellow Republicans.”

It may have been a veiled reference to intraparty criticism that DiGiorgio himself has faced since he narrowly won the vote to become chairman. A rumored challenge to his leadership never materialized on the floor Saturday.

The PAGOP had its worst election in a decade in 2018. Although the party maintains majorities in the state House and Senate, but experienced losses in both chambers and lost seats in Congress, while being unsuccessful in defeating Democratic incumbents Sen. Bob Casey and Gov. Tom Wolf.

DiGiorgio talked about meeting with Trump 2020 officials and felt optimistic about keeping the state red for the second consecutive presidential election.

12 Responses

  1. Megan King is a liberal poser. Another RINO. No thanks. Rebecca Warren is the right candidate

  2. Peck has only served as a Common Pleas Judge since January of 2012. Not nearly enough judicial experience. Bad picks again by Val!

  3. Please tell me that is the GOP Chair wearing the #MAGA hat. This Dem wants every single GOP candidate tied at the hip to our racist arrogant incompetent POTUS as we hit the streets to talk to normal voters.

  4. If Megan King is qualified to be a
    Superior Court Judge then I’m qualified to be a brain surgeon….and I didn’t even go to college, but I did take 10 years off to raise my kids! I Republicans are so clueless. This is exactly why they keep losing year after year.

  5. Christylee Peck is a good judge, a tenacious worker, and can appeal to the suburbs and women voters all across PA. The Dem candidates are radicals with Johnny Doc and Larry Krasner ties. Seee yaaa

  6. Thank you, from the Democratic Party! I wonder if the republicans know about the two cases where Peck let a criminal go with a slap on the wrist and they went back out into society and committed crimes against “our most vulnerable.” Well, we did our homework and we are preparing to run those ads. As far as King, well her resume, not qualified for county judge, and public speaking ability is all you need to know. Thank you, thank you, thank you Republicans for giving us the Superior Court!

  7. I agree. One look at resumes and it is a no-brained. King has ZERO civil experience, but that doesn’t matter to the party. Val lies in his speech and touts the civil experience. This should tell you all you need to know. Gheez, they thought Kate Harper walked on water before they threw her to the wolves. It will matter when the negative ads come out by the dems. The Republican Party is in a downward spiral because of the leadership, yet rather than changing the way they do business, they continue with the same old game plan. I’m sure it will be another democratic sweep in the fall.

  8. The Republican endorsement tprocess is a joke. Warren was clearly one of the two best candidates, but DiGiorgio had an agenda. I was glad to see so may people protest the endorsement process. Hopefully Warren runs without the endorsement, because our Republican Party cannot pick a
    candidate to save their life. The records speak for themselves. Let the people decide, not a bunch of sheep with no backbones.

  9. Actually, GOP needs to stop picking and supporting LOSER candidates like Barletta and Wagner, and dump Trump.

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