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Perry Kicks Off First Congressional Recess

Perry town hall HBGHarrisburg — Summer recess means one thing for a member of Congress: constituent interaction. U.S. Rep. Scott Perry held a town hall meeting Wednesday night to reach out to the electorate.

This August break is the first for Perry since he was sworn in in January. He spoke to citizens for two hours on his priorities, addressing written questions, and direct questions.

The topic of greatest concern seemed to be the Affordable Care Act. Constituents repeatedly pried the Congressman over its merits, and his stance on the bill.

“It is fatally flawed in its current form, not that the goal isn’t laudable.”

He did signal approval for at least one of the law’s provisions. In regards to the protection of those with preexisting conditions, “the role of the federal government is important.”

Perry said he supported other GOP agenda items. Saying of Voter ID laws – like the one he voted to enact as a state Representative in 2012, ‘there needs to be someway to prove you are an American citizen to vote.”

He cited former congressional candidate Wendy Rosen (not by name) who was fined for voting illegally as an example what he said that Voter ID laws were enacted to prevent.

He made clear his opposition to the recently passed Senate Immigration Reform Bill – and reiterated his support for John Boehner’s Speakership.

“He has always told me the truth. I will continue to support him until he gives me a reason to do otherwise,” he said. Boehner headlined a closed-door fundraiser for Perry on Monday.

Perry also made clear his willingness to broach a government shutdown in the fall unless what he calls ”structural reforms” are made. One example he gave was the enactment of Social Security Chained CPI.

Perry’s 4th district comprises a triangle roughly from Harrisburg to Gettysburg and York, bordered by the Susquehanna River in the east and the Maryland Border to the south.

6 Responses

  1. Scott Perry will never hold a candle to his predecessor, Todd Plattsburgh. He plays to the Tea Party crowd in perfect lockstep.

  2. the voter ID laws did not and would not prevent Wendy Rosen from voting in two states. The new voter database system would have but its not in effect in most states yet.

  3. Perry thinks destroying the federal government aids people. He needs to visit more neighborhoods in his district. The average family has not recovered from the Bush years when Republicans controlled government. Just for a test check his record about taking care of our military wounded warriors . How much legislation in the last Congress has he and his colleagues obstructed bills that aided these heroes by denying medical and home access solutions to make life more normal for the returning wounded. The crazy right panders to the Right Wing Millionaires who now control the Republican Party.

  4. this guy reminds me of the infamous quote from an army general during the Vietnam War “WE HAD TO DESTROY THE VILLAGE TO SAVE IT”. This guy wants to destroy the federal government to do what????

  5. When I saw the name Perry, and the blurb from Facebook link that said he opposed immigration reform and supported a government shutdown, I thought the article was about Rick Perry coming to PA.

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