Perry Polishes Primary Ad to Close the Cycle (Watch Video)

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. State Rep. Scott Perry, the Republican running to replace outgoing U.S. Rep. Todd Platts (R-York), is finishing the campaign with a remix of his television ad from the primary.

“As a leader, Scott will put an end to business as usual in Washington, and knows that we must stop wasteful spending, and reduce our national debt for the next generation of Americans,” the announcer says.

(Though how much Perry would change business as usual remains to be seen; he’s already started a Leadership PAC and is positioning himself for a prominent spot in the House GOP).

It’s the same material as the primary ad, but touched up and the language is a bit and smoother. Also, no direct-to-camera from Perry.

It will air on cable throughout the district from now until election day at about $60,000.

He cleared a 7-way GOP primary with over 50 percent of the vote. Now he faces Harry Perkinson, an engineer from York County. The district is very GOP-friendly, and an independent poll of the race last week showed Perry ahead by 18 points.

One Response

  1. I know scott He is a good man, a good father, But he has drunk the tea Party Kool aid, and now has taken the gover Norquest Pledge, and has suported Willard Mitt Romney, and his Pledge that “Disaster relief is Immoral. It makes No sense at all. FEMA should be Privatized”, Voting republican, only makes sense if your moms great grand father, and your dads grand mother Sparked, @ the Family reunion.Vote Like Your life depended apon it ! Vote Democratic!

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