PoliticsPA’s Morning Buzz: 11/16 Edition

Joe Torsella may be heading to the U.N., the Pa. House passed pension legislation and voted to override the Governor’s veto on an education bill. State Rep. Evans is in a tough fight to stay as the senior Democrat on the State House Appropriations Committee. Good Tuesday morning and welcome to the Buzz.

Today’s Headlines

The White House announced last night that they have nominated Joe Torsella to be U.S. Representative to the U.N for Management and Reform. He has been involved in Democratic politics since Gov. Rendell was mayor of Philadelphia and his titles have included being the former CEO of the National Constitution Center. In addition, he entered the Democratic primary against Sen. Specter before deciding to pull out of the race. His nomination now goes to the Senate for confirmation.

Weekend leftover… Post-Gazette: State is losing clout on Capitol Hill

Early Returns: Pittsburgh led nation in anti-Pelosi ads

Early Returns: Study: Judicial elections OK

Inquirer: Pa. House overrides Rendell veto of school-code bill

Tribune-Review: Capitol Rookies’ Mission: Reshape Vision of Leadership

PhillyClout: State Rep.’s Widow May Seek His Seat In Special Election

Fox Philadelphia: Nutter Urges Voters To Support Evans

Heard in City Hall: Nutter Tweets in Support of Evans to retain his seat as the most senior Democrat on the State House Appropriations Committee

Tribune-Review: House-passed pension bill called reform, union bailout

Inquirer: How the new Pa. pensions law redistributes dollars

Tribune-Review: State House approves ‘stand your ground’ self-defense bill

Patriot-News: Legislators seek to block commuter tax in Harrisburg

Dave Davies: A Katz Run in the Fall? (h/t PhillyClout)

Tribune-Review: State board rejects Pittsburgh spending plan

Today’s Opinions

Times-Tribune: Cure Medicaid

Podcast of the Week

PBS Philadelphia: Is Philly a mooch to state taxpayers?

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