PoliticsPA’s Morning Buzz: 9/21 Edition

A leading conservative is coming to the 8th district, our latest PoliticsPA/Municipoll shows Toomey with a solid lead, and the President brought in the dough for Joe Sestak. Good Tuesday morning and here’s the Buzz.


On the trail

Rep. Marcia Blackburn (R-TN) is coming to Levittown to campaign for Mike Fitzpatrick

Bryan Lentz and Pat Toomey will be debating at a Jewish Community Center in Havertown tomorrow night

Manan Trivedi will be in Plymouth Meeting and Reading talking about congressional pay


PoliticsPA Reports


In our latest PoliticsPA/Municipoll, Pat Toomey leads Joe Sestak 45%-36%

Early Returns: Specter ducks Sestak’s Q’s


Today’s Headlines

Early Returns had comprehensive coverage of the President’s visit to Philadelphia, here is the pool report on the event at the Convention Center and here is the pool report on the dinner also at the convention center but with a smaller crowd.

Early Returns: Events net at least $500k for Sestak

PA2010.com: GOPers raise money off Obama visit

PA2010.com: Christie calls Meehan a ‘man of character’ – campaign breaks $2M mark

PhillyClout: Corbett holds 15 point lead on Onorato, New Poll Shows

PA2010.com: Toomey: I believe in American exceptionalism

PhillyClout: Onorato Again Slams Corbett on Florida Gun Permit Loophole

PA2010.com: Labor’s mailers target Toomey, House hopefuls

PA2010.com: NRCC polls four Pa. districts

Early Returns: The Erie Factor

Capitol Ideas: Family Biz Group Backing Toomey has Clout, Cash

Post-Gazette: Rendell announces 50 state layoffs

AP: Judge blocks higher payments to Pa. dairy farmers

Post-Gazette: Some lawmakers still pushing cell-phone talking, texting ban in cars

Inquirer: New U.S. Attorney, Zane David Memeger, sworn in

Today’s Opinions

Post-Gazette: Help for consumers: President Obama appoints a good watchdog

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