PoliticsPA’s Up & Down: 8/27 Edition

Down – Tom Marino– We’ve been rough on Marino of late, and, to be clear, his campaign is in a far better position to knock off Chris Carney than anyone thought possible even a few months ago (yes, the GOP wave might be that big). But talking openly about cutting/eliminating Social Security? In that district? Really?

Up – Jason Altmire/Kathy Dahlkemper – The two western Pennsylvania candidates began flexing their financial muscles this week when each hit the airwaves, and the messages from both seem calibrated for the political environment — Altmire says he’ll stand up to President Obamawhile Dahlkemper touts her opposition to Democratic initiatives like “cap-and-trade.” It’s a reminder that, despite a looming difficult year for the party, many of its members maintain a significant financial edge over their GOP opponents.

Down – Pat Toomey– A week’s worth of news stories detailing his Social Security position after Toomey denied advocating privatization isn’t a good thing in Pennsylvania, that’s for sure.

Down – Senate Republicans/Tom Corbett — This week featured some more sniping between the two should-be allies over Corbett’s no-tax pledge and whether he’ll be able to keep once he takes office. It’s surprising how bluntly some GOP senators (that’s you, Dominic Pileggi) dismiss the AG’s pledge, in public no less, and the Corbett campaign doesn’t seem eager to mend fences, either. It might not harm his gubernatorial campaign much, but it could make governing (should he win) awfully interesting.

Down — President Obama. According to the latest F&M poll, only Ed Rendell is a bigger weight around the neck for Democrats this year.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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