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Quinnipiac Poll Finds Support for Fracking, But Not in State Parks and Forests

Gas-Drill-FrackingA Quinnipiac survey has found that the majority of Pennsylvania voters approve of fracking. However, the bulk of those polled do not want natural gas drilling in state parks and forests.

Overall, 58% of voters back fracking, compared to 33% who are against fracking.

Public opinion on fracking is divided by region. For example, 48% support fracking in the Philadelphia suburbs while 70% endorse drilling in Northwestern Pennsylvania.

Though the majority of Pennsylvanians support fracking, most do not agree that drilling should be conducted in state parks. Gov. Tom Corbett signed an executive order last month that allowed drilling in state parks and forests. According to the Quinnipiac survey, 57% of voters oppose fracking in state parks while only 36% support the Governor’s executive order.

Gov. Corbett’s decision to expand drilling to state parks and forests could hurt him in the gubernatorial race. The Quinnipiac pollsters found that 39% of Pennsylvanians are “less likely” to vote for Corbett because of the executive order. Only 13% of those surveyed said they were “more likely” to vote for Corbett, while 46% were indifferent on the issue.

“Pennsylvanians are generally willing on drilling, but it depends on where, drawing the line at state parks and forest land,” said Tim Malloy assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

Fracking will continue to be a contentious issue in Pennsylvania politics with the gubernatorial election on the horizon.

The poll was conducted from May 29th to June 2nd. 1,308 voters were interviewed by phone, and the margin of error is plus-minus 2.7%.

4 Responses

  1. the best place to frack is in state parks.
    plenty of drilling there in the past. no harm.
    drive along route 219 and see all the old wells and tanks.
    wake up , public

  2. PAINDY1 (or is it 2, 3 or 4)

    There are so many fake PAINDY1 running around that your “crazy” brand is diluted

    The peril of posting anonymously is that anyone can pose as you

    Excellent point. The anti-frackers are as politically motivated as the pro-lifers. One of the leading anti-frackers in the state stormed the stage of the last Dem Gov debate, as put the candidates on notice that they aren’t going away. They drove hours out to York to show up primary night with a giant banner at Wolf’s victory rally.

  3. But let’s talk what the real election impact of this is issue is: Turnout.

    Nobody will come out to vote FOR fracking, even if they see it as a good thing for the economy. But people on the other side WILL come out to vote for that reason alone, particularly if they have the frackers down the road from them, or like to visit state parks, or hunt on state game land, or fear for their children’s health. It is a motivating issue for the anti-frackers, but not for the pro-business types. And that has been shown in surveys and polls across the country. Even in Q’s shallow polling, notice the apathy about Corbett’s order among republican voters. The Fracking issue will be a great voter motivator in the SEPA where the congressional races are already close.

  4. “Gov. Corbett’s decision to expand drilling to state parks and forests could hurt him in the gubernatorial race.”

    Yes, he could lose by 30 points instead of just 20.

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    Total Voters: 50

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