Quinnipiac Poll: Pennsylvanians Split on Immigration Policies

Statue of LibertyAs Donald Trump continues to dominate the headlines with his immigration plans, Pennsylvania remains undecided on their own ideas on the issue.

Just over half of all PA voters surveyed – 52% – said they feel illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the country and should eventually have the opportunity to apply for citizenship, according to a new Quinnipiac poll – including 76% of Democrats and 50% of Independents.

37% want to require all illegal immigrants to leave the country – Trump’s main campaign platform – with strong support from Republicans (58%).

Both sides of the issue have gained a few points since June, when 48% supported a path to citizenship and 34% supported deportation.

Climate Change

At the start of August, President Barack Obama announced new EPA rules to regulate and reduce the amount of carbon pollution from coal-burning power plants, a move which 67% of PA voters support.

A majority of GOP voters oppose the new regulations, though 88% of Democrats and 68% of Independents are for them.

There is wide agreement – 72% – that new regulations are needed to clean the air, but PA voters are evenly split on whether the regulations are worth the costs – 44% for and 44% against.

Pope Francis – who will bring traffic in Southeast PA to a standstill next month – has solid support in the state for his message on climate change – including 91% of Democrats.

Income Inequality

The Pope has become a leading liberal icon in the country, with his comments on income inequality across the U.S. and world bringing focus to the issue.

60% of those polled said the federal government should pursue policies that will reduce the income and wealth gap – with 81% support from Dems and 73% support from people aged 18-34. 65% also support increasing taxes on higher income earners, up from 62% in February.

Immigration, climate change and income equality will be three of the biggest issues for 2016 presidential candidates, with this latest poll giving some insight to how PA – an essential swing state for both parties – will lean during the election.

This survey was conducted by Quinnipiac University using live interviewers calling land lines and cell phones. They contacted 1,085 registered Pennsylvania voters from August 7th to 18th. The margin of error is +/- 3 percentage points.

2 Responses

  1. Oh man. Just using and asserting the phrases “income inequality” and “climate change” as worthy of inspection tips the hand of the writer/ political activist here. Both phrases are darlings of the far Left. Both phrases are total crocks o’ you-know-what. Guess the Quinnipiac poll was just curious, too. Not that they are pushing any political agenda. Nahhhhh.

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